Chapter 2;

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Robs POV:

I walk into the warm, cozy coffee shop. Distracted by the pretty flowerprint on the walls, I completely ignore a waitress waiting for me to ask if I was ready to order.
'Oh I'm so sorry, I got distracted'
'No problem sir. Would you like something to drink?'
'Oh not yet, I'm waiting for someone.' I say awkwardly.
'Okay then, I'll come back in a few minutes.'
The sweet waitress smiled, and walked away, making her goldenblonde ponytail swing from one way to the other. A funny sight.
Looking around, still amazed by the fact I've lived here for years and never even thought about checking this place out, I don't see the tall, handsome, curly haired man standing in front of me.
I feel my gut sink. Heart beating faster than I knew it could. Legs feeling unstable. Palms getting sweaty. What on earth is this what I'm feeling? My mind yells at me. Stop it! Don't stand there and smile like an idiot, Rob!
'Rob! My name, R-Rob! Sorry. My name is Rob, nice to meet you'
Already dissapointed in myself that I couldn't even introduce myself properly.
'Haha, my name is Jesse. We've talked on the phone before.'
He stretches out his hand, waiting for me to shake it. I panic, imagining how disgusted he'd be if he'd feel my sweaty hands. Without thinking, I give him a fistbump.
Yes, a fistbump.
I am such an idiot. Did I seriously just give him a fistbump? I should've shook his hand. God I suck at this.
He sits down in front of me. Giving me that feeling I have missed for such a long time. The feeling of being on a date. Now that I think of it, I haven't been on a date for such a long time. Maybe I should try to date again?
Feeling my heart stop as I realize I just ignored his question while daydreaming I spit out some shaky words.
'Oh! I-I sorry. I wasn't- I sorry'
Strangely, he smiled. God, that smile.
'No worries.' He laughed. 'Tell me about yourself'
A heat wave of emotions swirled inside of me. Did he just ask me to tell him about myself? Is he interested in me? Attracted? Maybe?
'W-well, I went to university h-here, and ehm, I've lived here all my life. And ehm..."
Thankfully the same waitress as before interrupted me before I could finnish that god awful sentence.
'Can I get you two something to drink?'
While the beautiful man looked up at her, I stared at his perfect side view.
'One Iced coffee please.'
So he was a sweet tooth... Interesting.
'And for you?' She asked.
'The same as him, thanks.'
The waitress showed her heartwarming smile, like she did earlier, as she nodded and walked away making her ponytail swing again.
I look back at
Then I notice something. The man in front of me was staring at me. His beautiful eyes I could drown in if I looked at them too long, were gazing at me. A loving smile formed om his face as I gathered around the currage to look up at him.

Heart skipping a beat.

For both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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