Another one

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Walking into their home he was met with silence and dark rooms. Sighing he looked down at his watch and realised why. It was 11 pm. Jack would be asleep and so would their 2 year old daughter old daughter.

Dropping his briefcase and locking his service weapon in the gun safe he toed of his shoes and simultaneously shrugged off his overcoat and hung it up. He continued his journey through the house checking all the locks and window . His first stop was made in the room on the left of the hall. Brushing her thick curls off her forehead he placed a soft kiss and whispered his love for girl and walked into his sons room.

Concern rose when he saw the 4 year old sitting on the edge of superhero themed bed. Jack was staring blankly at the wall that was lit by the super man night light.
"Daddy" he whispered excitedly when he saw his father
"Hey buddy" Hotch answered and hugged the boy. Sitting down after he tucked the child in. "What are you doing up?" He asked
"I gots to tell you momma is feeling yucky" Jack explained seriously "I took care of her. Like she does when I'm sick" he showed a toothy smile
"I'll go check on her now. Thank you for taking care of her" Aaron thanked his son kissing his hair before pulling the young boys door closed slightly. Completing his journey he finally stopped at the doorway of their bed room. However Emily was no where to be seen. Her lamp was lit, but she wasn't in bed. The cover were neatly folded at the top indicating she hadn't even been in bed. Checking the bathroom, still no sight of her. He walked into their wardrobe. Smiling sadly when he saw the brunette asleep on the floor. It appears she was sorting out her clothes. She must of fell asleep, the exhaustion from back to back cases taking over.

She stirred when he picked her up, but dozed off when her head touched the soft pillows of the couples king sized bed. He returned shortly after leaving her, with his night attire. As if she could sense his presence, Emily turned and cuddled closer to the older man.

Like he did with his children, Aaron placed a soft kiss on his wife's temple and wrapped his arm around her. Sleep followed him soon after.

He was abruptly awoken when he felt Emily push out of his arms. Glancing over the the clock he saw it was 6:23 the sound of Emily emptying her stomachs contents made Aaron rush to her side immediately. Rubbing soothing circles on her back and holding her hair together he whispered comforting words into her ear. Emily leaned back against the cold tiles of the bathtub while her head rested on her husbands shoulder.
"I think you have that big the kids had last week" Aaron sighed, shaking her head Emily was about to reply when another wave of nausea hit her followed by another round of vomit.

Standing up she brushed her teeth before pushing herself up onto the vanity. Aaron stood in front of her and placed his hands on her legs waiting for her to speak.

"I don't have a bug"
"What is it then sweetheart?"

Taking a deep breath she chuckled at his oblivion. Emily took his hands of her thighs and intertwined their fingers. Staring into his eyes she answered him in a nervous whisper
"I'm 10 weeks pregnant"

"We're having another baby?" He exclaimed excitedly
"We're having another baby" she confirmed
Lifting her into his arms, Aaron spun her around. "WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!" He immediately regretted it when Emily's eyes widened and pushed him away. After she finished, Emily began laughing hysterically as Aaron was doing his 'celebratory dance'

A knock on the door, followed by 2 two different foot stomps drew the parents attention

"Mommy no better" Layla said sadly and waddled over to her mom

Emily stood up and picked up both Jack and Layla and playfully threw them on the large bed before starting a tickle war with them which she lost by far when Aaron decided to join in and teamed up on Emily with his kids.

"Daddy, mommy go to docto" their youngest told her father seriously. Emily smiled and ran her hand over her daughter head. Moving further up the bed Emily got under the thick covers and motioned for her children to follow.
With Jack on her right, Layla on her left and Aaron by side of the bed, she kissed both kids cheeks and smiled.

"How do you guys feel about another sibling?"

Seeing both Jack and Layla's eye light up, she knew everything was going to be okay.

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