Happy forever

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The weasleys were broke by the next day. To his word Harry gave the innocent weaselys a house and told them to live there,  they were living comfartably and luxuriously. Arthur continued his work in ministry, Fred and George continued with their shop and the eldest sons went Egypt and Romania to keep on with their work

Ron, Ginny, Molly and Percy were actually living in poorest conditions. they hardly have money left after clearing debt and fine. Ginny thought she would be living like a true Princess by becoming lady potter, but she is actually living like a very poor woman.

Hermione was really digusted by this and left ron because she came to know he gave her a love potion, granger family at least lived comfartably with middle class Income ,But living with the four weaseleys was too bad for her.

Harry eventually became Minister of Magic while Daphne became Chief warlock and Tracey became a healer, susan became a politician and luna became an author and editor for quibbler .

They gave birth to five children with Daphne having a boy and a girl while all other were alright with a boy. Life is well for harry and his  wives they were living comfortable and luxuriously.

Harry loved his wives and children more than anything.

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