weasel problems

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Daphne and Tracey first played with unicorns adorably and that gave a big grin to his lips and Luna was conversing with susan

Harry told "My ladies please stay here while I go near the weasels and take my revenge": they nodded and daphe said " we will also come with you, love".

The others nodded vigorously and insisted to come .He knew that he can't win this argument, so he agreed which earned him a kiss from each of the girls and they apparated to the Burrow

when he entered the burrow, he has seen the whole family with hermione there - Ron was enraged "Harry, what are two slimy slytherins doing here" He said  Pointing to Daphne and

Harry became angry and yelled "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY WIVES WEASEL" Every one gasped at this , and Molly shouted "what is the meaning of this harry" Harry smirked and said "Shut up Molly, you created the marriage Contract between me and your foolish daughter with the old goat and therefore I nulled the contract with my power as lord Potter-
Gryffindor- Black- Ravenclaw"

Harry's Titles made everyone gasp and ron was throwing jealous glares at harry. Harry said" Because of your crimes weasleys, I used all my power to make you go broke and molly, the money you stole from me will be taken away from you and you have to pay heavy fine for  your crimes".

Arthur glared at Molly who Covered under his glare. Molly quickly regained herself and shouted "You Can't do that" Harry smirked and said "You can see that I can do that, but I don't want the Innocent weasleys to get punished that is Arthur, Bill, Charlie and twins"

Arthur nodded knowing that his wife and some children has to be punished. Harry said "Ginny weasely you must atone for your crime for using an a-grade love potion on me by heavy fines and community service and I am sure no boy wants you once this information gets out" harry's wives were particularly angry by  this. 

Ginny started crying by this and Hermione said " How can you be this cruel harry".

Harry gave her a death glare and released his magic and everyone started trembling, "they are getting what they had to get, Don't Interfere in this Hermione" said harry Coldly .Hermione could not do any thing but nod. Tracey then said "granger, a peace of advice leave them,if you don't want to live in utter poverty for the rest of your life"?

Hermione looked enraged and started yelling 'HOW-  But she was cut off by susan and luna saying "You will understand". with that everyone apparated to the manor and started laughing.

a potter's revenge and loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang