i can be the treble, baby you can be my bass

Start from the beginning

And. Well. Louis is hot. Really, really hot. Harry's jaw slackens embarrassingly as he stares at the boy in front of him. He's shorter than Harry, with wispy light brown hair and sharp blue eyes. All of his features are sharp, in fact, but it works for him. He's got stubble and high cheekbones that Harry wants to trail his lips all over.

Fuck. This isn't what Harry was expecting.

"You alright, mate? If I knew you were here I would've come down to help you," Louis says with a grin. "I'm Louis, by the way." He offers his hand to Harry, who grabs it and gives a few weak shakes.

"That's alright, Louis. Needed the workout I guess," Harry stammers, wiping his hands against his jeans. "I'm Harry...obviously."

Louis' grin widens. "Hello, Harry Styles from Cheshire who likes music and golf. It's nice to meet you."

Harry smiles as Louis turns around to finish his own unpacking. Louis is an unexpected addition to his freshman year, but he doesn't think he minds. For the sake of his sanity, he hopes he keeps the thoughts of sneaking into Louis' bed at night to caress his face to a minimum.


Harry and Louis get along amazingly well, and Harry would dare to call Louis his best friend by the end of the first month. But still, living with Louis is hard. In so many ways. So many extremely inappropriate ways.

Harry wakes up in the morning and sees Louis still sleeping in his bed, face soft and vulnerable. And he's usually half naked. So.

When Louis comes back from football practice he's sweaty from exertion and he strips his shirt off immediately upon entering the room. Harry tries to not make it obvious that he's sneaking glances at his small, lithe body while he's supposed to be studying. Louis never seems to notice, at least. Just throws him these little smiles that Harry's incapable of deciphering.

And whenever Louis studies he wears these black framed glasses that make him look younger and cuter and sexier and Harry feels himself short-circuit at the thought of those glasses fogging up as Louis sucks his cock.

But besides the fact that Harry is infatuated with his roommate, who he has to live with for the next year, there's the whole lingerie thing which has been put on the back-burner ever since he moved in. He never got a chance to wear them after he bought them since he spent the entire night before move-in day packing, and he's obviously not worn them with Louis around. Louis' a nice enough guy, but who knows how he'd react to seeing his roommate prancing around in lace. Probably not the way Harry wishes he would.

He's going stir crazy. Neither of them has gone home in the month since they started school, and Harry needs a break. He's sick of wanking in the shower.

So it's an extremely fortunate stroke of luck when Louis comes back from classes the next day, chatting on the phone to a friend. Harry tries not to eavesdrop, but he hears Louis mention that he'll be up at a birthday party in Doncaster for his friend Ollie this weekend. Harry's pulse skyrockets at the thought of having the room to himself for at least a night. One night to do everything he's wanted to do for the past month.

Louis says goodbye to his friend and tosses his phone onto the bed while he stretches out his limbs and yawns. He looks over at Harry who's typing away on his laptop and smiles.

"Dunno if you heard any of that, mate, but you'll have the room to yourself this weekend. I'm leaving right after class on Friday to visit my mum and my sisters and some friends."

Harry nods and puts on an exaggerated pout. "I'll miss you, Lou. Don't know if I'll last through Saturday night without you here."

Louis snorts out a laugh and blushes as he turns to collapse onto his bed. "You'll survive, H."

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