i'm a spark and you're a boom

Start from the beginning

Oh god. He slowly, for whatever reason, walks towards the door. He shouldn't be this nervous, really. What are the chances his mother hired a fit uni student who happens to like boys? The chances are slim, and at that thought Harry is turning the doorknob to let his sitter in.

And, oh.

Maybe it's the frigid air that makes his hair stand up on the back of his neck or maybe it's the very, very fit boy standing in front of him.

His eyes skim over the older boy because well, he can't really help it. He's a little taller than Harry and is wearing black jeans that hug his thighs just right. Harry maybe stares too long because the older boy clears his throat to get his attention.

"You're Harry?" The older boy asks, and Harry can only nod his head, is he really at a loss of words here? "Okay good, do you mind, um, letting me in? My balls will freeze over if I stand out here any longer while you stare, mate."

And, oh, Harry can feel his blush coming up as he opens the door wider for the older boy to step in. Laying his school bag down and shucking off his coat, Harry takes a better look at his very fit babysitter. He's got just a bit of facial hair, bonus, Harry thinks. Though he can't see his hair that's hiding under a burgundy beanie, he's sure that its not too long. And oh, are those tattoos?

"Ilikeyourtattoos," Harry chokes out too quickly, still standing by the closed door.

"Ah, thanks man. 'S just stupid ones, really," The older boy replies, and Harry shrivels under his Donny accent. Please like boys, please please please. Harry needs to take a breathe, a long, deep breathe.

But he can't because the older boy is looking at him, positively checking him out with the way his blue eyes are sinking into his skin, staring longingly at his legs. Harry can't help but smirk, okay so he knew these jeans had that effect. But if you've got these long muscle legs at 16 you might as well show them off.

"So, what's your name?" Harry asks the older boy, and if he's batting his eyelashes excessively, so what?

"Louis," he clears his throat, looks away and starts to walk to the living room, "I go to uni not too far from here. Really needed the extra money, been livin' off of cheap beer and ramen noodles too long."

Harry's, not to his own surprise, is hot on his step. Following the older boy into the living room and back to the movie stand. "Mmm, well 's an easy job then, I'm not too hard to handle," and if Harry meant that as a sexual innuendo, well then only he needs to know that.

"Dunno what to watch, nothing good on the telly this time of the year, just Christmas movies." At that, the older boy gets up and walks behind Harry and leans over the smaller boy to look through the selection of movies himself. Harry feels himself go tense when he feels warm breath on his neck, should a boy he just met be this close? He's pretty sure this passes for intimate space but whose Harry to complain, really? "I like this one," Louis says as he picks one out, "Haven't seen it in ages." His bright blue eyes skim the cover of the movie selection before settling on Harry's green ones, then he's popping open the box and clicking the disc out. Harry takes the disk with a smile and opens up the dvd player.

Okay so, Marley & Me. Harry knows he cries every time he watches this movie, but tonight he will absolutely not cry. Its bad enough embarrassment that he has to have a babysitter in the first place. So Harry goes and sits down on the sofa opposite of him, bringing his knees to his chest.

"I'm sorry you have to come here in the first place, Louis," Harry tells him, "My mum's a bit strict and caught me doing something a couple weeks ago, so 've got to earn her trust back." Harry doesn't know why he's explaining himself to the older boy, but he really does feel bad that this is how a uni student is spending his Friday night.

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