feels so good getting what i want

Start from the beginning

"Hi," the man interrupts Louis' blatant ogling, holding out a huge hand for Louis to shake.

"Hey," Louis says, almost a little too breathy to be normal.

"'m Harry," he smiles again, and Louis sees nothing but kindness in his eyes.


"Nice to meet you, Louis. Are you here for my yoga class?" he asks, and Louis just really doesn't understand how someone can be so pretty.

"Oh, um, actually I was just--"

"Great! We're about to start; why don't you take a spot over there by that blond girl who looks just like you?" Harry suggests, gesturing over to where Lottie was sitting cross legged on her mat, not paying attention to them whatsoever.

"But I--"

"Oh, do you have a mat?" Harry asks, eyebrows furrowing when he sees that Louis' hands are empty.

Louis is too stupefied by this Harry person to do anything but shake his head.

"Silly goose, don't you know you're supposed to bring your very own mat to yoga class?" he smiles again at Louis and pats his head. "Buuuut, because you seem like a real straight shooter, I'll let you borrow one of mine for today. Okay?"

Louis accidentally lets out a snort at Harry's choice of words and Harry beams at him. "Now, go sit, we're starting now," he says as he hands Louis a purple mat.

Louis mumbles a thanks and walks over to where Lottie is sitting. He didn't even attempt telling Harry he wasn't actually here for his class because it just seemed like Harry just wasn't going to listen to him. Louis doesn't even know why Harry is convinced he's there for yoga when one: he's the only guy here, besides Harry himself. Two: he's clearly not dressed for it and three: he didn't even have a mat.

Apparently Harry just likes meeting new people.

So he sits next to Lottie, who gives him a weird look and asks what he's doing.

He shrugs. "I somehow got talked into attending his yoga class for today."

Lottie furrows her eyebrows. "But...how? You hate doing anything even slightly physical."

He throws her a look and spreads out his mat, sitting down and clasping his hands over his knees. "I was leaving and accidentally ran into Harry over there and somehow I ended up with his extra mat and now I'm sitting here like he told me to."

Lottie shook her head, confused look dissolving from her face. "Okay then. Just don't embarrass me okay? Harry is quite fit, like I said."

Louis wants to snort and tell her that Harry was much too old for her and not interested in girls he teaches yoga to. But that's rude, and Louis won't admit it stems from he himself thinking Harry is fit and has a ridiculously sinful mouth that Louis wants wrapped--

"Hi!" Louis jumps suddenly at the sound of Harry's booming voice filling the mirror filled room. A chorus of giggly women voices fill the air as they respond to his overly excited greeting and Louis rolls his eyes. He really doesn't want to be here doing yoga. In fact, he was supposed to have met Zayn ten minutes ago. He's just here because the instructor is insanely hot and very convincing.

"You are all so very beautiful," Harry grins, holding his arms out wide. "And so, so friendly. We are going to have the best time together. Who's excited? Raise your hand!"

Every hand on every woman in this room was in the air instantly, Lottie's included. Louis' hands remained on his knees, gawking at how easily Harry controlled the room. Lottie nudged at Louis' arm, giving him a look which he ignored. He was not going to put his hand in the air for he was not excited.

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