Hvitserk's tenth cup.

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"Careful, you're spilling it everywhere"

Hvitserk turned to you, spilling even more than before, sending you laughing. 

You two began drinking around mid-day, it was now well into nightfall. What started as a simple contest of who could throw the most knife at the circle drawn on the door became who could do it after a drink, then another, then another... Until both of you lost track of why you began drinking in the first place.

"I'm spilling everywhere? look at you!" you lowered your eyes to the wet spots on your dress. Then, with a shrug, brought the horn to your lips to finish what was left. 

He sat heavily next to you, making the bench shake. 

"I think we had enough." he said before you went and filled yours and his horn. 

"Com'on, a last one."

"That's our what?"

"The tenth cup I think."

He took it hesitantly and you two cheered. "Skol!" and downed it at the same time. 

You finished first, having filled yours way less than his. I mean, it's only logical, you told yourself, he's bigger, he needs more if we have to be equal.

You watched as he swallowed the mead, his jawline defined by the fire in the corner of the dim lit room. His hand was large enough to cover the horn almost hole. he whipped a drop that escaped from the corner of his lip and his eyes met yours.

Feeling ashamed to be caught staring, you instantly looked down and leaned your hip to the table, half sitting, half standing. 

"What were you asking me before?"

"Before you spilled your whole drink?"

"Half my drink, thank you, and yes."

What had happened was that you had starred again, same way. It made you think about that night a couple of weeks ago when he tried to kiss you and you rejected him. To be honest, that night you wanted to kiss him, you wanted more than that, but you got scared. Hvitserk was only your closest friend and you'd been lying if you hadn't thought of him that way before. But that night you'd convince yourself he was playing a prank on you and so you turned him down. 

You didn't talk of it after, even if you needed an explanation, you were scared of what would come of it if you admitted how much you wanted him. Thinking of how he looked tonight, the mead blurring your vision but your head was clear enough that when he looked at you, when his finger brushed yours as you passed his drink, you'd felt the familiar fluttering down your belly, your breath would go irregular... Then he tripped and you lost the momentum.

"I... it's nothing."

"No, no go! sounded interesting."

He smiled and both of you stayed silent. You helped yourself up the table and sat fully, trying to make yourself comfortable for this, oh so uncomfortable, conversation.

"Promise me you won't make it weird."

"Why would I make it weird?"

"Promise me!"

He waved his hands, giving up, before mouthing a inarticulate "I promise"

"Well..." You took a deep breath before continuing. "You remember few weeks ago, when you tried to... and I..." you chuckled, uncomfortable. Even with this much alcohol in your system you weren't able to talk of it head on. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Wait... you don't remember trying to kiss me?" 

He rolled his eyes, putting his elbows on the table and burying his head with his arms. He mumbled something inaudible and you had to ask him to repeat. The sound of his voice muffled once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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