Golden chain flew out of the floor and latched into Lucifer who didn't resist and just put his head down.

Lucifer: I accept my punishment father, I will pay my sins for eternity.

God sent the chains down into a new realm he had just created hell a fiery hellhole. Lucifer was dragged down into the underworld not letting out a sound.

God sent his other children out of the throne room and he let out a couple tears.

God: I'm sorry my child I hope you can forgive my decision.

He tried to push the thoughts out his head as he got back to his duty.

Time skip 1,000 years before the Great War

God: Don't let these devils invade our homeland.

God pointed his sword towards the the devils showing a strong attitude but on the inside is exhausted after sealing a beast know only in legend as the Leviathan. He is fighting a new creation of his that showed hatred and wickedness so he banished them to hell forgetting about his son Lucifer who is still sealed down his the deepest depths of hell. He leads his army of angels into battle as both sides battle each other fiercely. Swords swing and magic is shot as both sides suffer major casualties, at some point both devils and angels stop and the leaders of each faction come out.

God: Stop this rebellion at once Satan.

God yelled at his former son who is now leading his new creation the Devil against him.
(Satan and Lucifer and different people btw)

Satan: You know nothing old man, I will not bow before a man who thinks something as lowly as humans have the same importance as us devils. You are no king I will serve.

God clenched his teeth and ran at his former child as they began to battle in a fierce one on one.

Meanwhile in the deepest depths of hell

Lucifer: How long has it been, 50 maybe 100 years, father have I not been forgiven yet... HAVE I NOT PRAYED ENOUGH PLEASE FATHER... please father.

Tears flowed from the now fallen angels eyes creating small black winged creatures out of the droplets who resembled the angels and humans god created but with dark backs feathered wings protruding of there backs.

The small winged creatures would soon grow up to be the newest faction know as fallen ones or fallen angels that would become a major contributor in the next Great War.

Time skip: The he Great War

The devils still bitter about there loss to god and his angels began another conflict, this conflict would later be known to the supernatural as the Great War. It spawned many new creatures such as dragons werewolves, vampires, Neckomata and many other species. Another major contender in this war is the fallen angels. With there midnight black wings they resemble the beautiful creatures of god but with a tainted side. No one really knows where these creatures came but they claim a voice in there head always tells them they need to fight both the angels and devils but as later generations were born this voice gradually stopped and was forgotten about.

We cut to the battle where God and the four great Satans Lucifer the king of devils, Beelzebub the cocky and most arrogant of the group , leviathan a decedent of the deadly creature god sealed many years ago and finally Asmodeus a man with a great mind who acted as strategist for the army. They led another rebellion against god after amassing a big enough army, these beings ended up killing god but in the process died themselves, this signaled the end of the Great War as all three sides suffered to many casualties.

Floor zero of hell

An evil laughed filled with insanity erupted through the lowest floor of hell as the sound of chains being ripped apart echoed throughout.

Lucifer: it seems your power as weakened father, I will return to heaven now as it seems you have lifted my punishment.

The insane Lucifer still tried to hold onto his last bit of sanity by thinking his father has forgiven him.

Lucifer flies out of hell in one flap of his wings and arrives at the gate of heaven with a new  appearance. Angels at the gate try and stop him  but with a snap of his fingers they turn into a bloody mush that splatter on the gate.

Lucifer flapped his wings once more and arrived at the entrance to the throne room. He opened the large gold door and walked up to see his brother Micheal sitting on the throne and Gabriel doing paperwork at his side.

A dark aura emitted from Lucifer which caused Michael and Gabriel to look over and when they saw him they gave a look of surprise.

Lucifer: Mind telling me why your sitting on fathers throne Micheal.

The room got colder as Lucifer stared at his younger brother with the intent to kill.


Micheal tried to stop Gabriel but Lucifer heard what she said and his aura stopped and his eyes stopped shining his last bit of sanity gone.

Lucifer: Father is... dead.

Lucifer looked down at the floor as the sound of dripping could be heard coming from the tears flowing form his eyes.

Micheal sighed and nodded his head.

Micheal: Yes father has unfortunately has passed and has left me to rule over heaven.

Lucifer: I see... so I was never forgiven by father.

Lucifer cries turned his sobs as the first fallen angel wrapped himself in his wings and went back to his domain in hell.

Micheal: I'm sorry brother.

Micheal sighed and stopped worrying about his emotionally unstable brother as he got back to work.

Gods First AngelWhere stories live. Discover now