Matt Leo

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third person    (TW)

The girl finally got home.She was still aware that someone that someone had been following her.She hadn't talked to the slouching shinigami through out the whole walk.

But she had noticed him glancing behind them.As she walked through the door Y/n let out a long sigh escapes her lips.

You took your shoes off and placed them near the door.

"Why aren't you talking to me?"Mawayu wined still slouching.You looked around and walked in the living room.You walked carefully to the window and shut the silky curtains.You walked to the kitchen and did the same thing.

You turned around to see a pouting shinigami eating an apple"I think you know why I didn't talk to you."   

You say while grabbing a glass cup."I don't what your talking about"Mawayu said protesting with a shrug.

"Don't play dumb with me Mawayu!"You said with pure annoyance in your voice.

You were way to tired to deal with his childish behaviour.

"Yow saw who was stalking me, and you didn't care to inform me who it was.I wasn't born yesterday.I saw you glance behind us."You said turning the tap on.

"Fine,Fine it was just a shinigami that caught my attention."You turned the tap off and stood still.

'Anther shinigami?!I really should be more careful.'

"Kira..."You say turning around and leaned on the sink"Hey!Let's no jump to conclusions!"Mawayu says picking up anther apple.

You bought the glass cup to you lips"Do you have anyone in mind to write in the death note?"The shinigami asked as e flouts to you living room.

You thought for  second "Matt leo..."You say after separated  your lips from the cup"Huh?Why?"Mawayu asked while you walk out of the kitchen."One of the little girl's i used to work with said that he tried to rape her.But thankfully I was there and called the police.He's still in jail for his criminal record of stealing,kidnapping and sealing drugs"You say and walked to the hallway"Can you check around the house to make just to make sure my stalker isn't still here"You say and walked up the stairs.

You opened the door of your room walk in.

You drooped your bag on the ground and turned back around to lock the door.

You then walk to your closet.You picked out a plain white over sized shirt and light pastel yellow shorts.

You took out the death note from your bag and placed it on your desk.

You dropped on your chair and slouched.

you slowly started to spin your chair around while slightly tapping your pen on your temple.

"All clear!"You heard the raspy voice of Mawayu on your bed.

You stopped your chair at his direction.You crossed your legs and leaned back.

"How should I kill him?"You say looking up at the roof.

"OH!OH!"Mawayu exclaimed excitedly.

You dropped your head at him."DE.CAP.A.TA.TION!" He suggested clapping.

"No"You simply said and turned your chair back to the book."Awh...."

You put the pen on the page and started writing.

Mawayu flouted to your side to see.

Matt Leo dead by suicide in his cell

"Decapitation would have been better but i guess suicide will have to do..."He says and shrugged.

"Do shinigami sleep?"You asked turning your head to him."No"He says flouting on his back."Then move"You say walking past him.

"Savage"He says still flouting on his back trough the roof.

>>Time skip<<

You groaned when you heard the loud alarm on your night stand. 

You managed to drag your hand to your night stand to press the stop button on-top of the said alarm.

"Hey,Y/n get up! Don't you have a date with lover boy today?!"

Mawayu's chains jangled as he walked next your side of the bed.

you sat up slowly remembering about Light.You groaned and pinched the bridge of you nose.

"It's not a date,We're just getting to know echother more"You say stretching your arms up.

Light's pov (Last night) 

Once I saw Y/n walk in her house safely I started to walk back home.

I open my phone to text Misa that i'll been home soon.

After, I placed my hands and phone in the pocket of my coat.

When i heard Ryuk chuckle i turned my head toward him while walking.

He has been acting weirder then his usual self .

"What's up with you?You don't act like your self today"I say as my house was just in sight

"Oh nothing in general"He says flouting higher"I think it just because i'm hungry"

I open the gate and started to walk down the small path to my house.

My family should be asleep 

except for Misa...

Once i walk in my room i was pulled into a uncomfortable hug.

"Light you're finally back!"Misa said breaking the hug."Yeah..."I reply.

"Is something wrong?"She says cupping my face

'Get your filly hands off of me'Is what i wanted to say but i need her death note.

"No it's nothing.I just tired and i have a one-on-one meeting with nurse Y/n tomorrow"I say holding her hands on my cheeks.

"Nurse?So a girl?"She says suspiciously"Yeah..."Lay a hand on her and your dead I thought.

I know Misa, she get jealous easily.

"Well then she wouldn't mind if i come, right?"She say letting go of my face."sure.."I replied.

~Obsession~Yandere Light Yagami x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now