#6: Practice Match

Start from the beginning

The male who is in front of him, smiled at you, "Ah, then I hope you'll find our match interesting, I'm Sawamura Daichi."

Y/n looked up, a male with a short dark hair and dark brown eyes gawking at her. Y/n mentally flinched when he noticed how his eyes got intense for a sec before giving you a welcoming smile.

"A.. a girl!?" a man with a shaved head with a widow's peak and sharp blue-grey eyes loudly say.

"Tanaka! Behave yourself!" another brown-haired and brown eyes man whispered although you could hear it clearly. He notices your gaze and made a small smile towards you.

"I'm Chikara Ennoshita, and this is Tanaka Ryūnosuke," he said. You immediately bowed to them before you lift your head noticing that all eyes on you.

"I'm L/n Y/n a first-year, nice to meet you all!"

Dachi gave out a chuckle, "Such energy,"

"Right? first-years this years did really have this energy huh.."

"I would say I'll agree to that but then there's Tsukishima"

Both Daichi and Suga laugh at their own jokes, but then someone fake cough making them look at Tsukishima looking annoyed with Yamaguchi beside him, "We're here too, senpai" Tsukishima said with a hint of sarcasm with the last part.

Daichi immediately averted his eyes at him and look at the others, "Since were all complete, we should start, shall we?"

Hinata jumped with excitement while Kageyama was looking annoyed at him. The others immediately said a response, Dachi announced who's in a team and Hinata made a ruckus when Daichi announced he was on Tsukishima's team.

Meanwhile, Y/n is too starstruck that she was really indeed in the anime she truly loved, she failed to notice that Kiyoko was trying to get her attention. And so, Kiyoko decided to hold your shoulder in hopes to get your attention, on which you did.

"A-ah, Kiyoko-senpai! I'm sorry I spaced out," You said while scratching your head. Kiyoko just gave out a smile and pulled you slightly towards to the others that is near the score board.

"It's best for you to stay besides me, so that I could deflect the ball if it's coming your way," Kiyoko said with a smile. Y/n just nod obediently on which Kiyoko greatly appreciated.

"I noticed that you're alone today?" Kiyoko ask even though it's pretty obvious that she was delighted that you were alone and not with that yellow haired kid. She was smiling after all.

You didn't make any thoughts about and just blantely said, "Ah, that's because Ya-chan is too busy regarding to her responsibilities, she'll be coming soon though!" you said cheerfully as you can.

Kiyoko dropped her smile for a second but quickly wiped it away before you notice it. She doesn't want to show her displeased face at hearing your little nickname for the yellow kid.

"Is that so," Kiyoko said, with a tone not that caring. You noticed it but immediately your attention was again put in the match, especially when you noticed everyone was gone quiet.

"I-I did it! I hit it!"

"H-hinata! Did you just hit that ball with your eyes closed!?" As Daichi exclaimed that everyone in the court was shown an expression of shock by that sentence.

After that, alot of happened and you can't believe you just witnessed everything that you only known through t.v. You felt giddy in some way or like you were hit in the head telling you that all of this is real and this isn't really a dream, this is your reality now.

You were there to witness it all, it's like watching the anime unfolds in real life.

You were quiet the whole thing but you can feel yourself being excited to see these scenes that you just watched or read back then being the real thing.

"L/n-san! Aren't the jacket so cool!?"

Snapping back to reality, you flinched when you noticed the orange-haired man was in front of you, obviously making himself visible for you to see the jacket he was wearing that Kiyoko gave out a while ago.

They were just listening to Daichi's speech awhile ago while you're still  standing besides the scoring board.

You didn't think that anyone would talk to you, but to your surprise Hinata Shoyo was there acknowledging your presence.

"I-I, yeah. It looks cool, Hinata." you said, doesn't really know what to say.

Hinata beamed at what you said and made some poses more just for you to see that made you chuckle.

"Oi, what the heck are you doing? You're embarrassing L/n," You heard Kageyama said as he looked at Hinata before looking at you.

"He's probably impressing his crush," Tsukishima sarcastically said as he also looked to the both of you.

Hinata heard their remarks that made him abruptly stopped, his face suddenly turning into beet red, angrily looking at the blonde male, "What!? I-I was just showing L-L/n-san that the jacket was cool!"

After he said that the third years and second years laugh at that, Sugawara looked at you and smiled, "Well, L/n. Do you also want to have a cool jacket?"

That made you widen your eyes, looks at suga with your arms raising, panicking, "Ah! I-I'm not part of the club, so I don't need one! B-but it would be nice or something.." you said silently cursing yourself.

Daichi smiled and gestured something to Kiyoko, which Kiyoko immediately understand and get a similar jacket in the box handing it to you, "It looks like you'll be part of us now, say L/n want to be the new manager?"

After what Daichi said, you're heart hammered loudly through your ribcage.

What did he say...?

You unconsciously blinked, not believing what he just said. Slowly the surprise look on your face turn into confusion, "..What?" you whisperd that you knew no one heard.

You looked carefully each in everyone inside that room, and they look like they were already expecting you to say yes.

Then suddenly your phone rang.

You instantly remembered Yachi, then it hit you..

This isn't supposed to happen.



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