Chapter 1; Longing for something fresh

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Robs' POV:

I awake by the loud noises of construction work outside my apartment building. Knowing that in no way I'll be able to go back to sleep, because of the sake of time, I open my eyes and look up at the grey ceiling. Great. I think to myself. This has been the third time in a row that I did not have to use my phone alarm to wake me up in the morning. I trust the loud banging of new buildings being made to do that work now. I do a quick stretch and sit up straight on this lonely, queen sized bed.
That's right, fuck. Today marks 1 week of the breakup with my boyfriend of 4 years. And the odd feeling of not waking up next to someone, haunts me every morning. Strangely, I don't miss him. I don't miss the hours and hours of fighting, our soulless conversations, and knowing that the sparkle that once filled my heart with his presence, wasn't there anymore.
What I do miss is affection. Something new, and fresh. Something like a first love. Something... Exciting.
With that thought in the back of my head, I change into my favorite blouse and head to the small restaurant around the corner where my new colleague and I have agreed on meeting over a coffee.

Little did I know that If the construction workers took the day off that morning... I would have saved myself alot of trouble.

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