Breaking Limits

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He slowly floated down as his silver eyes continued to glare at his opponents. He slowly trudged towards them, a scowl planting itself in his face.

"Get up! We're not done here!" He shouted.

He clenched his fists as he charged even more power up, creating powerful winds and filling the air around them with pure power. It felt like all the class' fears and worst nightmares were made reality as they took in the power they were feeling right now.

"I wasn't fully warmed up with my last bout, so I expect you to fulfill that desire. I'm sure your lives will be more than enough payment." Deku said, his voice dripping with venom.

They struggled to stand, having to lean on one another.

"Tokoyami. We have to leave and regroup. This is a test, meaning these are testing grounds. We can use that to our advantage and hide until we figure out a plan." Asui said, struggling because of the burns on her tongue and wincing in pain every once in a while.

"You're right, Asui. Let's go for now." Tokoyami agreed.

They both did their best to get away for the time being their injured states. Deku saw them leave which brought him wonder and curiosity.

"Are you running away? Escaping death so soon? No, they should know by now that I can find them, anywhere they hide. But, I'll let them go, for now." He said as he turned his eyes towards the two who were now back on their feet and glaring at him. "I guess I'll have fun with these two for the time being."

Iida glared harder at Deku as he was getting ready to attack until Deku disappeared from his line of sight, he became increasingly confused, until he heard a chilling voice behind him.

"Tenya Iida. Quirk: Engine. Those engines on the back of your calves work like jets as they can help you move faster and aid you in powerful attacks. Your engines run on orange juice." Deku said while right behind Iida.

Iida snapped his head around and saw nothing.

"A powerful quirk, with one blatantly obvious weakness in the one who wields it." Deku said once again.

Iida, again, turned his head only to find nothing.

"Ever wonder what would happen if your legs were.... taken away?" Deku asked as he slammed his fist into the Engine quirk user's leg, shattering it.

He screamed out in pain as he fell to the ground. His breaths became short and coarse as he struggled to deal with the incredible amount of pain he was feeling. It was enough to make him want to pass out, but he knew he couldn't do that. He had to pass this test.

Deku looked down at Iida below him with no emotion whatsoever present on his face as he sense another attack. The man with a tail spun in midair as he tried to hit Deku with his tail. Deku caught the tail with little to no effort while not taking his eyes off of Iida once.

"Mashirao Ojiro. Quirk: Tail. Description's in the name buddy." Deku said while chuckling. "You have the same weakness. Once I take your tail, I wonder what will happen?"

He immediate crushed the poor student's tail beneath his sheer gripping force as he slammed him on top of Iida. He stepped on the tailman's chest as he let out a shrill of pain.

"Tch," I scoffed. "Future heroes huh? Oh yeah you guys are some heroes. Future All Mights I assure you."

You could hear the sarcasm and contempt dripping from his chilled to the bone voice as he applied more pressure to to the chest area of Ojiro.

Izuku Midoriya: Ultra InstinctOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant