Sick day // Marcus

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My head was pounding, my nose was runny and my stomach hurt. I think I might be a little bit sick.

Yeah, definitely sick


" y/n wake up "
I turned away from my boyfriend, laying on my side, zoning off again.

" y/nnnn wakey wakey "
" Marcus, let me sleep " he went silent for a minute. I almost thought he fell asleep, but of course no

" Love wake up or no kisses for a week " 

Not a smart move

" y/n why are you crying? " well whenever I get really sick my emotions take over..... a lot

" Because you said no kisses for a... w-week "
" Are you feeling okay "
" No "


" Why are we even here? " I asked quietly as we stepped into the hospital entrance. After he found out about me feeling sick he brought me here as fast as he could, like really

" Cause your really sick, and need medicine " ugh

We got a room at the hospital, and waited for the doctor to come in. Which by the way took 45 minutes. What was he even doing? Eating McDonalds while I'm here, clearly sick?

The doctor told me that I had a terrible cold, so he went to get a shot.
Here's two things you might not know about me.

1• I'm terrified of needles
2• when I was little I used to run away from the hospital room when I was getting a shot. I always ran to the drugstore and told them that I needed medicine for my moms headache. I would not hesitate to run away again.


" So, it will only hurt for a second, okay? "
" mkay " Marcus held my hand in a tight grip. He knew about my fear ofc, and he also knew about my dear old habit of

Running away

As the nurse was about to stab me with the needle I took a run for it. Opening the door and locking it from outside, I ran to the drugstore.

Marcus POV

She ran away, and I heard a click at the door. Did she really lock the door? Hahah

I soon unlocked it from the inside and made my way to the dead old drugstore.

" I need medicine, for my... boyfriend's headache " I heard and I almost laughed. After all these years, and she sticks to the headache excuse.

" Well, your boyfriend here, is totally fine. You on the other hand has a shot to get " I said, grabbing her shoulders lightly.

" y/n, I don't think you recognize me. But you have been doing that trick since you learned how to talk " the women who worked there said.

I saw how y/n eyes filled with embarrassment as she slowly looked at me with a small grin on her face.

" Let's go y/n, the dater you do it, the longer until next "


We went back to the nurse office and I sat Y/n on my lap, so she couldn't run away again. She burried her head into my neck as she got the needle.

After, we went to the drugstore to actually get some medicine for HER not me haha

We got home and put on a movie, falling asleep short after.

Yeah I got sick two days after

But at least I didn't need a shot

Sorry for slow updating. My phone broke but its all fixed now.

What is a line from a serie that's stuck in your head

Mine : I... I fell in a hole - Liam Dunbar

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