Guardian X Illusion

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Pretend Illusion was a thing before the Steve Virus thing... wait... the Steve Virus is like the corona... does this mean we're dead?...

~Guardian's pov~

I was bored out of my mind, walking around the Spirit World was not helping my boredom, so I left to find Sabre because he is one of the few I can have a good conversation with. I checked up on the spirit World before teleporting to the Over World to find Sabre, he was usually around that village the Overseer created, so I started to walk in that direction.

On my way back, I crossed paths with Alex and Galaxy, they had their heads down and had a sad expression on their faces, "Its not like the two of you to act like this," I said to them, gaining their attention, "Sabre's gone... He left..." Galaxy said in a quiet voice than went back into the village. It saddened me that Sabre left but Alex explained why he did, I can't blame him tho, but where would he go, he has to go some where.

I walk with Alex to the village since Galaxy continued walking after talking to me, Alex and I talked on our way there but she left to check on Galaxy. I walked around the village a little bit until I found the Overseer, we talked for a while until he had to go do something, something about making a monument. I left him be and continued to walk around the village until it started to get dark, I didn't want to keep anyone up so I continued my walk outside the village.

As I was walking I couldn't help but to look up at the sky, the stars were beautiful tonight. I continued walking until I was on top of a mountain that looked down on the village, I just realized that this was where Alex onced lived. I let out a sigh as a cool breeze blew past me, night was always my favorite time because it is much more peaceful, no one is running around and everything is dead quiet, just how I like it, tho I do like company sometimes.

~Illusion pov~

I was walking in the mountain that I have claimed as my home when I noticed a winged figure sitting at the edge of a cliff, he seemed to be over looking the village below that I found a few weeks ago. I silently walked over to him but he somehow seemed to hear me and quickly stood up with his wings spread almost to their full length, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked me in a slightly aggressive tone, "I should ask you the same question since you are in my home," I told him in a monotone voice.

The two of us started to talk and we got to know each other well, he called himself Guardian but he won't tell me what he guards. The sun started to rise when the two of us couldn't think of anything to talk about. Guardian stood up and turned to me, "Well Illusion, it was nice meeting and talking to you, and I know this is not the last we see each other," He said with a smile, I smile back, "It was nice meeting and talking to you as well, but I must be going since the people of that town will wake soon," I said and he agreed.

I started to walk back into the mountains but stopped when I heard lightning, I turned just in time to see Guardian teleport away. I walked some more until I got to my temporary shelter, it wasn't much but I moved around the mountains so those Steves don't find me. I sat down on my bed and got out my journal and wrote about my encounter with Guardian, I smiled while writing because that was the first time in a long time that I had a conversation with anyone.


I'm gonna edit this another time because it is around 1:45 AM :)

- End Queen

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