SS Dark X SS Nightmare

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Note: This is a platonic ship which is Nightmare being Dadmare to Dark OwO

~Nightmare's pov~

Dark and I were watching and waiting outside the Rainbow wall, waiting for Rainbow to leave so we could capture Sabre, Lucas wasn't here so it would be easier. After waiting for around three hours, Rainbow flew outside the town, probably to get resources for Sabre to make his machines and stuff like that.

I looked back at Dark who nodded at me with fireballs in his hands, I grinned and set off lightning, getting Sabre's attention. He turned to face us and took out a sword, Dark and I laughing at this, we battled for a while until he landed a fatal blow on me, knocking me to the ground.

I looked up at Dark and we both knew that even if Sabre was a player, we couldn't beat him, "Dark go," I told him then threw a fireball at Sabre and teleported Dark back to the Nightmare Castle. I looked at Sabre as he was recovering from getting hit by a small fireball, I heard more lightning and turned to see Rainbow Steve.

~Dark's pov~

I look around to see I was back at Nightmare's castle, I ran inside to see Reverse and Plague sitting on the couch (Yas, there be couches, now shushy da mouth), "Plague, Reverse! I need help!" I screech at them, gaining their attention, "What's wrong Dark? I haven't seen you like this in a long time," Plague said as he put a hand on my shaking shoulder.

I explained to them how Nightmare and I went to the Rainbow Town to try and catch Sabre, then waiting for hours until Rainbow leave, when he did leave and we went to attack Sabre to try and catch him but he somehow beat us, then Nightmare teleported me away before I could do anything. When I saw done explaining I saw shacking even more than before, Plague still had a comforting hand on my shoulder, Reverse was just in shock that all of that happened, and Negative, Positive, and Infinity, that appeared a while after I started to explain, were in just as much shock but Positive was trying his best to calm me down.

Infinity stood up from the couch, our attention turned to him, "Dark, we may not be on good terms with Nightmare or Sabre but we will help you get for father back," He said with a slight, cheerful smile, I smiled at him and thanked him. We all sat back on the couch and tried to think of a plan to get Nightmare back.

~Time Skip~

After making a plan, we all went back to the Rainbow Town to see Sabre, Rainbow and now Lucas outside of the Steve Temple, "Maybe Nightmare is in the temple?" Reverse suggested, "Where else would he be?!" Negative whispered to him, Infinity lightly smacked Negative on the back of his head. We slowly made our way over the wall, making sure we weren't seen by the others that live in the town. When we were almost behind them, all but I attacked, I went downstairs to see Nightmare in one of Sabre's traps, I pulled the lever down and freed him.

He ran to me then hugged me, "I hope in Notch's name you didn't come alone," before I could answer him there was a loud boom that came from upstairs, Nightmare hummed and started to walk up the stairs with me following him. When we got up the stairs and outside, we saw fire, lava, and water everywhere, the two players and Steve were on the ground unconscious.

We teleported back to Nightmare's castle, it was then he noticed the three brothers with us, "What are they doing here?" Nightmare asked us through grinding teeth, "Nightmare, the three of us couldn't save you ourselves, plus they wanted to help," I explained to him, "And that just amazes me, my older and two younger cousins actually came to save me," Nightmare said then walked away from us. The other two looked shocked knowing that Nightmare was related to Positive, Negative, and Infinity but I knew, he told me a lot of stuff.

I followed him up to his office, I saw him looking out his window but he turned to me when I closed the door, "Thank you for coming back for me, Dark," Nightmare said while he hugged me, he usually got like this when it was just us. We stayed in this position for a while until the sun started to set, "It's getting late, you should go to bed, Dark," Nightmare said leading me out of his office and to my room.

When we got to my room, Nightmare opened the door and closed it behind me, "Night, I'm not even tired," I said to him in annoyance, he chuckled and pushed me in bed, "I'm not a kid anymore," I said to him as he tucked me in, "I know, and I miss when you were a child, you weren't as serious," He said as he messed with my hair, I let out a laugh, I felt tiredness run through me, "Goodnight Dark, see you in the morning," Nightmare said as he ran his hand through my hair, "Goodnight... dad..."


Expect my new discord server for my wattpad stories and all some time tomorrow. :)

- End Queen

Steve Saga and Rainbow Quest ShipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora