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At McKinley

Later In The Choir Room

Will and Sue were in front of the teens. "You guys have a problem." Sue said to them. "You." Jamey said to her making the teens laugh. "You guys are going up against the Warblers that have one of your leaders and her boyfriend." Sue said to them making Jesse look down. "They have no comprehension skills. Your assignment was anthems." Sue said to them making everyone agree with that. "Are you trying to tell us that you want to perform an anthem?" Sebastian asks her. "Well...I'll admit that, but I'm not going to go it alone. The whole crew has to sing it with me. Here's the catch: no more Bieber, no hoodies, no pocket lesbian Bieber hair." Sue said to them and she looks at Jesse. "And you Wabler I want you to join us." Sue said to her making Jesse nod. "What's your song?" Jesse asks her making Sue squints her eyes.

In The Auditorium

New Directions Outfits

Quinn and Finn were standing on the stage while Will was sitting at his table in the audience

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Quinn and Finn were standing on the stage while Will was sitting at his table in the audience.

Sing it out
Boy, you've got to see
What tomorrow brings

Sing it out
Girl, you've got to be
What tomorrow needs

For every time
That they want
To count you out

And use your voice
(Quinn: Uhhh!)
Every single time

Finn and Quinn
You open up your mouth

The rests of the Glee kids, Jesse and Sue scamper out, also wearing plaid while some are also wearing hats, to join Quinn and Finn to dance onstage.

New Directions and Jesse, Sue
Sing it for the boys
Sing it for the girls
Every time that you
Lose it sing it for the world
Sing it from the heart
Sing it 'til you're nuts
Sing it out for the ones
That'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone
That you left behind
Sing it for the world

The teens move closer to each other with Sue standing tall as Blaine walks in to see them on stage.

New Directions and Jesse, Sue
Sing it for the world

They sing while Blaine walks closer watching them.

New Directions and Jesse, Sue
Cleaned-up, corporation progress
Dying in the process
Children that can talk about it
Living on the webways,
People moving sideways
Sell it 'til your last days
Buy yourself the motivation
Generation nothing

Mike, Jamey, and Sebastian jump off of the stage while everyone starts jumping up and down.

New Directions and Jesse.Sue
Nothing but a dead scene
Product of a white dream
I am not the singer
That you wanted, but a dancer
I refuse to answer
Talk about the past, sir
Wrote it for the ones
Who want to get away

The three boys run back onto the stage.

Keep running!

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it for the boys
Sing it for the girls
Every time that you
Lose it sing it for the world

They sing and they sit down while Blaine can see Jesse was having fun with them.

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it from the heart
Sing it 'til you're nuts

They sing while Kurt pulls Jesse in for a hug.

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it out for the ones
That'll hate your guts
Sing it for the deaf
Sing it for the blind
Sing about everyone
That you left behind
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world

We've got to see
What tomorrow brings

They all stand up again and they start on the stage.

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it for the world
Sing it for the world

Boy you've got to be what tomorrow needs

Jesse walks over to her brothers and stands in between them.

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it for the world

They sing while jumping up and down.

New Directions, Jesse and Sue
Sing it for the world

The song ends with the siblings doing a fist-pump in the air. Will cheers for them while everyone was cheering for Sue who does a fist-pump to the air. Blaine looks over at Jesse to see her hugging her brothers with a smile.

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