Chapter 75: Ochaco Gives Izuku a Haircut

Start from the beginning

"The bathroom was stocked with stuff to keep ourselves maintained with. Why don't I cut your hair?" Ochaco asked, ruffling Izuku's hair. Izuku looked up at her with surprise. 

"You can cut hair?" izuku asked, Ochaco giggled. 

"How do you think my hair has maintained its same length Izu?" Ochaco asked. Izu shrugged as he put the bubbly girl down. 

"I figured you were just magical. Which you still are." He said booping her on the nose with a finger. Ochaco laughed. 

"Well am I cutting your hair or not dummy?" Ochaco asked. Izuku nodded.

"Please do my love."

Ochaco smiled as she took Izuku's hand and guided him towards their bathroom, Izuku grabbing the desk chair as they passed it, rolling it behind them as they went. 

Izuku sad down in the chair in front of the sink as Ochaco grabbed scissors and clippers from a mirror cabinet hanging on a wall. 

"So, what kinda style are we looking at today?" Ochaco asked in a funny accent, putting her hair in a ponytail. Izuku chuckled. 

"I'm not sure about any kind of style. I just let my mom shorten it when it gets too long. It's looked the same for years. Do you think I would look good with another style?" Izuku asked. Ochaco cupped her chin with her fingers, walking around Izuku. 

"I dunno Izu, you look perfect either way... But if you wanna try something new... We could try an undercut?" Ochaco questioned. Izuku shrugged. 

"I'll trust your judgement. Why not try something new?" Izuku said with a smile. In actuality, Izuku didn't know if he would like the undercut or not, however Ochaco looked really excited about cutting his hair. Why take that excitement away from her?

"Alright! Go ahead and stay still Izu... I've got this." Ochaco said with her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth. Izuku smiled, closing his eyes and feeling the fingers of his girlfriend work on his hair, the vibrations of the clippers massaging the back of his neck. 

"The atmosphere has really changed around here..." Ochaco said as she focused on cutting. Izuku, while he couldn't nod, smiled a bit bigger.

"It really has. Day one of living here I fought with Bakugo, brought a sick person to our attention and had just been taken over by One for All. Tensions were a bit high weren't they?" Izuku said, thinking back to the talk he had with Bakugo in the woods and when they had first met Hima. 

"Now things have gotten peaceful and cheery. Even Bakugo seems to have lightened up a bit. He doesn't yell as often and is calm for the most part." Ochaco said. 

"That's all thanks to you Ocha. I don't think I would've gotten through to him at all." Izuku said, and he meant it. Ochaco was really was a person someone should aspire to be like.

"You did a lot too Izu. You never gave up on Hima. You know..." 

Ochaco had started slowing down, now shortening the hair behind one of Izuku's ears.

"I know you're still worried about us. Like something big is going on beneath the scenes. Are you still a bit stressed out?" She asked. Izuku opened his eyes and looked down at his scarred hands. 

"A bit. It just feels like we're... missing something. Like something's happening around us. Maybe I just don't like being kept out of the loop at UA... Izuku said as his thoughts started to trail. Ochaco however moved in front of him before his thoughts could get very far, giving him something else to focus on as she cut the front parts of his hair.

"At least you're not letting it take over this time." Ochaco said, cutting away with scissors now. "Things are good now Izuku. It's been happy living on this mountain and dare I say... Bakugo isn't very hard to live with now. It's fun having Hima and Eri. It's fun living here with you. I kinda wish nothing would change you know?"

"Yea. I feel that too honestly. If only the heroes weren't in such a bad shape..." Izuku said, letting himself get lost. Ochaco shook her head with a smile. 

"You really wanna be a hero don't you?" 

"Of course. No doubt about it. I can't see myself as anything but a hero. Nothing can change that." Izuku said smiling. "But you love that about me... Right?"

"You know I do." Ochaco said, putting the final touches on Izuku's hair. 

"And done. Oh wow..."

"What?" Izuku said, immediately touching his hair. "Does it look bad?"

"No... No you look... wow you look older. It looks good Izuku..." Ochaco said, generally surprised at her skill with clippers. What she said was true. He looked older.. cooler... sexier...

Izuku turned and looked at himself in the mirror. 

"Wow I do look older. I look like a different person... You like it?" Izuku asked. Ochaco nodded profusely. 

"A lot actually... I could get used to this..." Ochaco said, moving in close and putting a hand on his chest. She leaned in, kissing him on the lips. They stayed connected for a second before she pushed him away, her face red and her breath hot. 

"O-Okay, wow, you need to go take a shower before anything happens... You've got hair everywhere... Not that it really matters... Oh Wow, Izuku take a shower before I lose control." Ochaco said, running out the bathroom as Izuku laughed. 

"WAIT!" Ochaco said, running back into the bathroom with Izuku's phone in hand. "Let's take a picture!"

"Alright then." Izuku said cooly, putting on airs with his new 'fresh' cut. Both smiled as Ochaco took the picture. She jumped up and down a few times, look at the picture. 

"Perfect... and sent to... myself. And your mom." Ochaco smiled. Izuku sighed. He wondered what his mom would say with his new haircut. Probably something super generic and lame knowing her. 

"Okay, okay, okay I'm done, promise. Go shower." Ochaco said as she ran out the bathroom again. 

She heard the shower turn on after a few seconds as she try to get herself under control. She had her own shower to deal with below her waist. Why was he so good looking with that haircut? She grabbed her phone, looking to see if the picture had sent from Izukus phone to her own. She smiled, the message icon from Izuku's phone was there... However there was another message on her phone. 


She immediately became serious as she opened her flip phone to Mina's message. 

'Don't tell Midoriya or Bakugo. You need to come down to the city. Don't tell your parents you're coming either. It's really important and it HAS to be just you. Can't explain everything over text, I promise it'll all make sense, just please meet at this address later tonight okay?'

Ochaco looked at the message, rereading it over and over. She checked the number. It was definitely from Mina's phone. How did she know her parents were here? How did she know where she and Midoriya were here? Why did they need to meet? Why were THEY here?

Something must've happened. It had to be important if Mina was texting her. Maybe Aizawa put them up to this? Maybe to watch over them? Or something else... Ochaco furrowed her eyes typing her reply.


Ochaco looked back at the shower door. 

"Sorry, Izuku..." Ochaco mumbled to herself. "But this looks like something you can't join in on. And right when things had gotten peaceful too..."


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