"I hope so," (y/n) smiled, faking her excitement. The two were not good at picking up on her emotions like the rest, but that meant she could get away without them questioning her on what happened. "Do you like the nail color Ochako picked out, Katsuki."

She leaned her painted hand over to Katsuki who just kissed her forehead and told her yes to appease her, even if he didn't like it.

"It will go perfect with the outfit we bought you, queen!" Kirishima said with so much excitement (y/n) could have sworn she saw confetti and fireworks behind him.

"Oh goody," Katsuki groaned and looked at the idiots.

"You did what!" (y/n) shut up and luckily didn't ruin the nail polish.

"Bought you an outfit," Denki said, pronouncing the words super slowly for her. "What is wrong with you, are you dyslexic."

"Dude the term for that would be deaf," Kirishima looked at the blonde like he was an idiot.

"I'm going to ignore that, you boys are dead." (y/n) growled out and faced the two. "I told you guys to never buy me clothes, I'm too pampered as it is. That's not right."

"That's what you're worried about," Katsuki shot forward.

"I mean a little bit." she said, placing her hand back onto Ochako's workspace.

"God you remind me of Kirishima," Katsuki stood up and walked to the kitchen before he lost any more brain cells. "And that isn't always a good thing."

"Hey!" she shot a nasty look at the blond. "You're a jerk!"

"That's what I get paid for," he told her with a sweet smile on his face that disturbed everybody.

"I thought he was a chef?" Denki asked, confused at the comment.

"H-he is, denki." Kirishima was flabbergasted once again because of denki. "It was a joke."

"Oh," he whispered.

"Let me get my makeup and well get a nice look to match the nude nail polish." Ochako smiled and walked out of the room getting her things.

"Kitten, your home." Shinso walked in and shut the door behind him. "How was work."

"Hi-Hi!" She leaned on the back of the couch carefully, making sure not to mess up any of the nail polish Ochako just did for her even if it was fast dry. "It was the same old, same old."

"Well I am glad your home," he said smiling and ruffling her hair, making her frown and trying to fix it as best as she can.

"Only for a little bit!" Dneki butted it.

"Don't remind me," Shinso instantly frowned. "I'll take a nap so the time that you're away will be quicker, and when I wake up you'll be home."

Her heart almost stopped beating at his comment.

"Ahh," she said, not able to physically form a sentence.

"I think you broke her Romeo," Katsuki said, grabbing a beer from the fridge and walking to the couch plopping down.

"And it wasn't that hard to do, cute." Shinso played along.

"Okay," Ochako returned to the room and pulled out a small bag from behind her back. "Here's what I got."

"Uh-huh," (y/n) said, still dazed and broken.

"(y/n) are you okay?" Ochako walked over to her friend and noticed the dazed look. "Oh my, what did Shinso do now."

"Romeo flirted and broke her." Katsuki muttered as he sipped on his can of beer.

"I should have guessed." Ochako muttered leaving a smile on her face though. She dug into the bag and pulled out a palette of nude colors. "Okay, earth to (y/n)."

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