Part VII

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"What? Some class A kids are getting extra lessons? That means some of you failed?!"Monoma obnoxiously yelled. "Huh? How weird is that?! Everyone knows class A is totally superior to class B but now this?! Wow!" His manic laughter was interrupted by Kendo knocking him out. Don't tell me I have to listen to this the whole training camp. Well the 3 days of it.

"Sorry." Kendo spoke calmly.

"You're scary Monoma." I turned my head to see the rest of class B.

"We don't resent you for all that stuff from the sports festival. Glad to be working with you, class A." They were all nodding their heads.

"Class A's bus is this way. Please line up in order!" I started to walk towards our bus. Mineta was drooling at the sight of all the girls. Disgusting. I stepped into the bus and took my seat. I looked out the window wondering what the league were doing now. Probably preparing for the attack. Maybe Compress and Dabi were playing poker. Toga and twice were probably watching them and seeing how painfully obvious it was that they were cheating.

"Y/n?" I turned my head to see who was talking to me. "I asked if I could sit here." I nodded and she threw herself in the seat next to me. I drew my attention back to outside the window.Of all people Mina had to sit next to me. She has a habit of sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. I know for a fact she would be asking me questions non stop. I have to be especially cautious around her and Hagakure.

"So what you doing?"


"About what?"

"How fun the training camp will be." I turned my head so I was facing her again and put on a fake smile. It was silent for a bit as I shifted my gaze to the seats opposite us. Denki and Kirishima were sat there. I stared at them for a bit to see what they were doing. Kiri was on his phone trying to find music for the two of them to listen to.

"Oooooo. Someone's got a crush~" Mina teased me. I look my eyes with hers.

"I do not!"

"If you say so." she crossed her arms and pouted. "Hey I've been wondering why did you come to UA?" Oh god. Think, think, THINK!

"I want to be a hero." I almost gagged. I can't believe I just said that. "I did the exams and got in through recommendation but I lived to far away. We moved recently so I could come here. That's why I joined late." I awkwardly laughed rubbing the back of my neck. Hopefully she brought it.

"Oh ok." She smiled back at me. Thank god. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Big Bro
are you on your way to the training camp

Yeah just on the bus now

Why was Shiggy texting me now. Did he want me to get caught? Good thing I changed everybody's names in my phone. I could feel Mina's eyes reading the messages on my phone. God does she know what privacy is?

We must have been driving for at least an hour until we came to a stop. Everyone rushed to get off the bus and stretch their legs. I took a deep breath in. It was good to get some fresh air. I looked around, we were on some kind of mountain or cliff I'm not to sure. It was a strange place to rest.

"What kind of rest stop is this?"

"Right? And where's class B" I heard my classmates exclaim. I had a feeling that this wasn't a rest stop.

"Of course we stopped here for a reason."

"Heya, Eraser!" I looked over to the voice. It belonged to member of the Wild Wild Pussycats.

"Sorry haven't seen you in a while."

"Rock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"Stingingly cute and catlike!"

"We're the Wild Wild Pussycats!" Two people dressed up in big puffy skirts and gloves that imitated cat paws jumped about. I remember these heroes from when I was younger or though I could of sworn there were more of them.

"This whole area here is our territory. Your lodging is at the foot of that mountain over there." One with short brown hair pointed to a mountain in the far distance.

"Huh then why'd we stop halfway?" Urakaka's voice was uneasy.

"Let's... Get back... to the bus? Hurry..." Sero spun around and started to run towards the bus. Most of the class followed after him. I didn't even try, I knew we wouldn't be able to get back to the bus. I watched them try, it was pitiful. Heroes in training couldn't even run through a forest. I felt Aizawa's cold gaze rest on me, he was probably wondering why I wasn't coping the rest of my classmates.

"It's now 9.30 A.M. I'm thinking... around noon, at the earliest. Kitties who don't make it there at 12.30 won't get any lunch." I could here the class panicking even more now. Suddenly a wall of dirt built up pushing me and the rest of the class of the ledge and down into the forest. I looked around me. There was no paths to use or anything it was just trees and dirt.

"This is our private territory, so feel free to use your quirks!" I heard a voice call above us. We have to make it through the forest whilst using our quirks. I doubt it was that easy, there is gonna be some sort of obstacle blocking our way. I looked around and noticed I was alone. This was my chance.

The entrance for the training camp

Nice work

I put my phone back in my pocket and brought my attention back to the forest. Training camp has now begun.

Word Count: 1029

School starts for me tomorrow unfortunately so that means it will be harder to write. I'm going to try and write as many drafts as possible today and upload them through out the week. I hope you are all doing well and thanks for reading.

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