Part IV

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I woke up in a hospital bed. My head was pounding and I could feel my right knee was bandaged up.
"Hey." I heard a voice next to me say.
"Hey Kirishima." I responded sitting up. The spikey haired boy was sat at the end of my bed.

"Me, Bakugo, Sero and Mina are all going to the café after school, wanna join? I know you're hurt so it's ok if you can't." He said smiling and scratching the back of his head. This would be a good opportunity for gathering information on them but I couldn't, we were meeting the possible new recruits tonight.

"I think I might just go home. I wanna rest after the fight." I laughed, hopefully he brought this excuse.

"That's ok, hey Denks." Kirishima called out to Denki who was passing by the door. "Wanna come to the café after school."

"I- I can't sorry." He responded, he sounded nervous. Maybe he was worried about his exam results.


"Why do we have to walk so far?" Toga whined. We must of been walking for an hour at least. We were following Dabi, that was dumb.

"We don't want people near the hide out." Dabi spoke back, he sounded fed up. We all walked up to a gate and pulled it open. It must of been some sort of warehouse before it was abandoned. It was in some dodgy area, a not so friendly neighbourhood. We all snuck through a hole in the wall and were greeted by the pleasant smell of rotting.

"Are you sure it's safe?" I asked staring at the cracks in the ceiling and the crumbling walls. I got no response. I saw some crates stacked up against the backwall. I continued to follow Dabi and we sat on the crates, I hoped they didn't break. Toga handed a list of names to me and Dabi, these were the people we would meet. A group of people all huddled into the room. Some people stood out more than others. I looked down onto my list.

Name: Muscular

Gender: Male

Height: 6,7

Quirk: Muscle Augmentation

Immense strength, Immense speed, Immense durability

Power: 5/5 Speed: 5/5 Technique: 2/5

He's all about strength and a good quirk, we could use that.

"Muscular step forward." I called out and I saw a man that fit the profile step forward.

"Moonfish step forward!" Toga yelled excitedly.

Name: Moonfish

Gender: Male

Height: Unknown

Quirk: Blade tooth

Very strong ability

Power: 3/5 Speed:5/5 Technique:5/5

Maybe wouldn't of been my first choice but he's not a bad one.

"Mustard." Dabi called.

Name: Mustard

Gender: Male

Height: Unknown

Quirk: Gas

Skilled Marksmanship

Power:1/5 Speed:1/5 Technique:4/5

This guys stats aren't the best but this quirk could be useful so I can see where he's coming from.

"Magne come forward."

Name: Big Sis Magne

Gender: Female

Height: Unknown

Quirk: Magnetism

Enhanced Strength

Power:4/5 Speed:3/5 Technique:5/5

Her stats were some of the more higher amongst the group besides I wanted another girl to hang out with.

"Denki Kaminari." I looked over at Dabi, even though I was wearing my mask he could tell I was confused. He smirked and pointed towards a teen boy. I peered back down to the list.

Name: Denki Kaminari

Gender: Male

Height: 5,6

Quirk: Electrification

Posses some degree of tactical intelligence and unknown

Power: Unknown Speed: Unknown Technique:4/5

Was that why he was acting strange earlier, why would he be a villain? Would Denki recognise me? No that would be impossible I had my mask and the voice changer. Why was he here? I don't know if this was good or bad, good so we would have two UA traitors but bad because what if he were a traitor to us or could he be our down fall.

"Will the candidates names who were not called stand in the room next door." I heard angry mumbles and curses as they all moved next door. "The people who are still here are gonna join us on our new mission, you won't meet the boss yet so you'll have to deal with us." I pointed over to Toga and Dabi. We jumped off the crates we were on and walked back over to the hole in the wall. The others swiftly followed behind.

"Kid do your job." Dabi stared at me, I smirked and turned back to the warehouse. I blew it up along side the people in it. We couldn't have any loose ends.

"Kaminari I wanna talk to you." I said still staring at the building remains. I saw Toga shoot me a confused look. I grabbed Denki's shoulder and pulled him into an ally. He stared at me, not like how he was at school, it was darker. More sinister. "Your at UA high school, I saw you at the sports festival, so why? Why be a villain?" Denki was always the happy boy at school the last one I would expect to be a villain so why?

"Stain's ideology. I saw the video and he had a point. Besides I can be your man on the inside." He moved closer to my face. "I wanna know though why are you a villain?"

"Common interests and it's not really a choice anymore." I took a step closer to him. Our chests were pressed up against each other now.

"What's up with the mask, am I not allowed to see your face?" He smirked and bent down to my eye level.

"No." I responded harshly, getting even closer to his face. I could feel his cold breath against the mask.


"I might be someone you know besides I don't know if I can trust you yet." I giggled. He put his hand to his chest and pulled a shocked face.

"I'm hurt. What do you mean by someone I might know." Uh oh, I kinda got caught up in the moment. I can't let him know who I am, it might be a trap by the pros to get information on us. Like I'm doing at UA. I lightly pushed him away from me and giggled.

"Bye Electric boy." I waved and walked away.

Word Count: 1028

Yes Denki is a traitor, I thought it would be fun to throw in another traitor, let me know if you guys want him as a love interest. Anyways about the mask you can see it however you want but in my mind I have it as the Kakegurui Vice principle mask. Again you can see it however you want but it has a voice changer and it covers most of the face.

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