Battle Ready

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After his run in with Ryukyu the day before, Izuku was extremely happy. He had finally been able to meet his favorite hero, and she even said she hoped to see him again.

Well, she probably didn't mean anything by it. But that didn't stop him from being excited about it.

But, there was one thing that he was upset about...

"So, the whole time you were talking to her, you forgot to ask her for her autograph?" Setsuna asked her moping friend.

"I was too busy talking to her and got side tracked!" Izuku said as he ruffled his hands through his hair.

Hiryu giggled a bit at his fit.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you will get another chance." He told him.

"I guess. But anyways, what do you guys think we'll be doing today?" Izuku asked, but before either of them could answer, the door swung open.

"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might yelled as he, in fact, wasn't doing what he said.

All the students looked his way as the excitement went through the roof. All the students admired him as he walked to the front of the class, all but one.

His stare was just a respectable gaze as he watched him trail to the front.

"As you all are now informed, I will be teaching hero classes!" He said getting a few awws from the students.

"I hope your ready for some..." All might paused as he took out a card and threw it up in the air.

"Battle Training!!" He yelled out.

Most of the students faces grew in a smirk and some shrank down to a worried look. Izuku looked over to his friends, and both if them were sporting a smirk. Along with himself.

"But, what are heros without their costumes!" All might yelled out as he pressed a button and suitcases came out from the wall.

"These costumes are from the slips you turned in on day one. Each costume was made for each of you. They are labeled by your seat number, so go get changed and meet me at training ground Gama!" He yelled out as he rushed out of the room with great speeds.

"He's really something else." Setsuna said as both Izuku and Hiryu nodded.

"You have no idea." Izuku said quietly, not enough for them to hear.

After, whatever that was, each of the students got up and grabbed their hero costumes. Then, they all made their way down the hallway to the changing room before they head out to training ground Gama.

Izuku and Hiryu made their way into the changing room, separating from Setsuna who went to the girls changing room.

Izuku walked over to one of the lockers and set his suitcase down and opened it.

Taking it out the first piece of clothing was the top part. Which was a dark red sleeveless shirt that had a green scaled outline on the collar. It also branched off the collar and made a scar like pattern on his chest. It had a familiar design that he enjoyed.

The next part was his lower half that was another dark red set, but was a pair of shorts with a similar design on the legs. He then took out a utility belt and wrapped it around his waist. He then took out a iron guard that went around the bottom of his shoes.

Lastly, he took out a all to similar claw  mask and hooked it on the side of his utility belt.

"Hey, Midoriya." Hiryu called to him.

Izuku looked over to his friend and seen him in his hero costume.

He as well had a sleeveless top part, but the collar went up to his chin covering his neck. On his arms were yellow gantlets. He had on dark baggy pants and a red strap wrapped around his waist. He had white boost on with the similar yellow shooters on the side.

Looking at his face, he had something covering his eyes, but considering he was facing Izuku's direction, he could see through it.

"The mask on you waist, it kinda looks like..." Hiryu pointed out looking at the mask.

"Ryukyu's mask, yeah, I know. It's a tribute to the hero that inspired me to be a hero. Really, if you look at it, the whole costume is." Izuku said as he let a soft smile set on his face as he put his hand on the mask.

"If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here today." He said a finale time looking up at Hiryu.

Hiryu thought for a second, but returned the smile.

"Well, we should probably head to the training ground. Don't want to keep Tokage waiting." He said.

"How are you so sure she's already there?" Izuku said as the made their way out of the locker room.

"I don't know, she just seems the type to get there faster then everyone else." Hiryu said as they made their way down the long open hall.

"Yo Greenie, Ponytail." Setsuna called out to the both of them as they walked out of the hall.

"Told ya." Hiryu said as they made their way over to her.

Izuku and Hiryu for a good look at Setsuna's hero costume.

It was a full body costume with purple scales all along it. She also had the same purple scales as a mask. she had a utility belt around her waist as well and fingerless gloves.

"Someones going for the 'sclaes' look." Hiryu said to Setsuna.

"What, I think I looks good. What do you think Midoriya?~" Setsuna said in a teasing tone.

Izuku just sighed.

"It looks good on you." He said with a smile.

"Y'know..." The three of them heard a voice say behind them.

They each turned around to face a silver haired boy. Izuku remembered him from his introduction, his name was.... something, and his quirk turned his body into metal.

"Your three a really similar. You all got this dragon vibe, y'know." He said getting a nod from Itsuka that had walked over as well.

"Yeah, Tokage had the dragon scale costume, and both Midoriya and Rin have scale related quirks." She said.

"Well, mine and Rin's quirks work somewhat differently. Mine is all in close combat. Rin's can work in both close and long ranged combat." Izuku explained.

"Well, you three are still a dragon trio." Tetsutetsu said.

Izuku, Hiryu and Setsuna all looked at each other. It's true that each of their designs and quirks are somewhat similar. Maybe it could work?

"Y'know what, I like the sound of that! But, let's not go with 'Dragon trio', it seems to basic." Setsuna said.

"Did we seriously just get labeled as a Dragon group?" Hiryu asked.

"Hey, I like the idea." Izuku shrugged.

"But let's keep the name ideas for later, everyone's here." He said facing all the rest of his class.

"Look at you all! You look fantastic!" All might yelled out.

"Not to mention, BATTLE READY!"

(Hey guys! As you seen the picture above is Izuku's hero costume. I know it's not the best, but I tried at least. Hopefully I can make a updated version at some point. Anyways, I hope your enjoying the story so far. I promise that I will get to the reason your reading this at some point. This is a Izuku x Ryuko story after all.

Anyways, again, thanks for reading, if you did. Seeya!


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