Meeting Your Dragon

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The three separated as they each took their own trains back home. Izuku was the first to be able to leave back home. He said his goodbyes to his friends and hopped on the train.

Izuku sat down and took out the spare earbuds he had in his bookbag. Plugging it into his phone, he turned his music on and listened. The song was a decently old one.

Silhouette by KANA-BOON.

The song was pretty popular back then, but it was rarely head nowadays.

Looking up from his phone with a dragon scale case on it, he had noticed he was about to arrive at his stop. Stopping his music and putting his headphones away, he made his way off the train and began his walk.

Izuku wasn't on his way home however, he was heading somewhere to train. Without worrying his mother obviously since he's done this on multiple accounts. But at this point it was concerning if he wasn't back late.

As Izuku made his way down the street, he was caught off guard as a loud crash made it's way to him.

Being Izuku, he ran in the direction the sound had came from. Running as fast as he could, he turned the corner and saw a huge dragon surrounded by thugs.

In a swift moment, the dragon spun around hitting each of the thugs and knocking them out. After it had done so, it slowly started to shrink back down, forming a human figurer. Or more like it, a female figurer.

She had short blonde hair and piercings in her ear. Her eyes were sharp and yellow. She had what looked to be a mask of some sort covering her right side of her face. Her clothing was a long dark red dress and white gloves going all the way down to her elbow. Watching her, Izuku knew exactly who she was...

Ryuuku, the dragon hero. His favorite hero.

Izuku made his way over to the area. No one else was apparently around the area, so Izuku walked, ran, over without a problem.

As Izuku stopped, his feet made a bit to much of a thump. The dragon hero jumped up a bit and looked behind her. She met her gaze with Izuku.

Izuku was the first to speak.

"Wow! That was amazing Ryuuku!" He said, more like cheered, to her.

Ryukyu's face went a bit widened.

"Oh, thank you. I'm surprised you know who I am." She told him getting a confused look from Izuku.

"What do you mean? Your the number 9 hero, and not to mention my favorite hero!" He said with excitement again.

This made Ryukyu get a bit flustered. She wasn't the type to be a favorite hero, so it was odd.

"I'm glad I'm your favorite..." Ryukyu said leaning in a bit to get his name.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." He said giving her a warm smile.

"Yes, Midoriya. I see your wearing a UA uniform. Your trying to be a hero?" She asked him and got a nod in return.

"Yep! Believe it or not, your actually the reason for that." He said, and again getting a shocked look from Ryukyu.

"Well, I'm glad that I inspired someone to be a hero. Even if I'm not that popular." She said. But before Izuku could interject with that, he saw movement coming from behind her.

In quick thinking, Izuku grabbed Ryukyu and pulled her out of the way. Izuku then formed dragon scales all along his arms and chest blocking the damage of a sharp blade that torn the sleeves of his shirt.

Izuku grabbed the blade and pulled it towards him as well as pulling the, thought to be unconscious, villian and made a swift movement and punched him in the face.

After he hit the ground, Izuku walked over to check if he was actually unconscious this time. To which he was.

Izuku then deactivated his quirk and turned to face Ryukyu who had stumbled to the ground when he pulled her. He walked over and put out his hand.

"Sorry about that, are you alright?" He asked her and gave her a smile.

Ryukyu didn't do anything for a moment, but then accepted his hand and got pulled up.

"Y-yes, I'm alright. What about you? You took those blades as if it was nothing." She told him staring at his torn shirt.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My quirk protected me." Izuku then put up his arm in front of Ryukyu and activated it again.

In a split second, his arm grew dark, sharp scales as well as claws on his fingers.

"My quirk is 'Dragon scales', I can make them grow anywhere in my body. They boost basically about all my stats. Speed, strength, mobility, and defense." He told her as she looked over his arm.

She kept her eye on his arm for awhile, focusing on his quirk. The dark green color with small bits of black marks on it. The smooth scales and the sharp tip of each one.

She was tempted to touch it, but didn't.

Finally taking her eyes off his quirk, she looked up to meet his eyes.

"That's a amazing quirk. I see how you got into UA." She praised him getting a wide smile out of him.

"Thanks! Anyways, do you need any help with..." Izuku pointed behind him to the villians still unconscious.


Ryukyu shook her head and let out a giggle.

"No, I think I can get the police to come get them. Also Midoriya, thank you for your help. And saving me from getting hurt. I wish I could repay you." She told him.

Izuku shook his head.

"It's not problem, it's what a hero does. And plus, I got to meet you, and that's all the payment I needed." He said giving her a other warm smile.

Ryukyu felt her face grow a slight warm feeling in her face. Shaking it away, she looked to the boy again.

"I'm glad you feel that way. I hope to see you again Midoriya." She told him.

Izuku grew a warm feeling in his body.

"I hope I get to see you again as well. Bye Ryukyu!" He waved at her as he turned around and made his way down the street again.

Ryukyu waved as she watched him disapeare from her sight. She then looked back to the villians laying on the ground, then spotted something else.

Getting a closer look, she seen a small dark green scale. She bent down and picked it up to look at it closer.

'It's so...smooth.' She thought as she rubbed it between her fingers.

She thought for a minute before she put it in a side pouch on her leg. After that, she pulled out her phone and called the police.

This, is how our dragons met.

A Dragon's TreasureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ