Chapter 10

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Rage's Hound

I growled at Icy as her eyes were full of mixed emotions Hate, Saddness, and Fear but it was mostly fear and hate

She growled at me as we spoke in our hound language "You always kill you never know when to stop" she said snapping her jaw at me

"You were always to weak to do anything so I had to fend for you" I snapped as she jumped at me trying to bite at my jaw but I easily got my teeth on her throat

I threw her down making her land on her back as my teeth were at her neck she growled at me showing her teeth as she looked at me her eyes full of hate

She then kicked her paw in my throat making me jump back as she quickly scrambled up to her feet and jumped at me landing on my back bitting at me I tried hitting her but she was out of reach

I sent my flames to burn her which she whimpered as she got off of me and started rubbing her snout I stood tall as she looked at me

"Your so much like dad" she snapped as she jumped at me again bitting below my neck

I growled out as I nipped at her "and your weak you little shit" I growled as I snarled at her showing my teeth at her as she detached from my neck after noticing it didn't hurt me

"All I wanted was to run around and play Y/n" Icy said as she just looked at me "but no you always had to train" she said lowering her head down as she sat down

"Yeah because of fucking dad since I was like mom he made me train every week because of it I wanted to play but I knew I couldn't because he would make me train" I responded as she just glanced at me

"How come you never told me then" she said as I sat down and looked at her

"Because dad would never let me see you" I responded "he wouldn't ever let anyone see me while I trained and then one day he just kicked me out" I said "and so I left and didn't look back" I added

"Why did you never visit?" She asked standing up

"Because I didn't want to go back I didn't want to see Dad or Aiden or Ethan or anyone there...even you" I said as I locked eyes with her "Dad told me before I left that you were turning into a monster" I said

"And you believed him" she growled at me I didn't say anything I just looked down at the ground when she jumped at me yelling "Answer me" she said

Again I didn't say anything I just looked at her as she snarled at me showing her teeth "yes I did because your acting like him" I snapped as she immediately stopped and quickly got off of me and looked at me

"No no no no no" she said as she clawed at her face

"Icy stop your gonna hurt yourself" I said as I tried stopping her but I couldn't in my alpha form so I quickly turned into my human form

I grabbed both her paws and placed them down in the ground using my strength so she couldn't move them "I'm turning into him Y/n please just let me" she begged

"No I'm not going to let you Icy your going to blind your self or worse" I said in a calm voice as she tried getting her paws out from underneath my hands

"I don't care I'm turning into a monster" she whined as I could see tears in her eyes "What if I kill someone" she added I stood up and wrapped my arms around her this took her by surprise making her just stand there stunned

"So what if your a monster" I said still hugging her as she laid her head on my shoulder "not all monsters do monstrous things" I added as I felt one of her tears hit my shirt

I felt her slowly turn into her human form in my arms as she still was hugging me I felt her wrap her arms around me as she cried

"I'm sorry for attacking you" she said as she had calmed down from crying

"It's alright you need to let some steam" I said as she took deep breaths to calm her breathing

She pulled away from the hug I saw her eyes were puffy and red "I'm alright now" she said I gave her a little smile as she turned towards everyone

I looked over at Derek and saw he was worried we had been talking in our hound language threw the whole thing

"Come on let's go find out who has Dabi" I said as I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her close to me as we walked off towards the vehicles

We got back to the loft as we all started talking about who it could be someone we least expected Peters Girlfriend wasn't here he said she had some late night work to do

If I'm being honest I didn't like her that much she gave off bad vibes to me and I could tell everyone else could feel them besides Peter of course

Peter was sitting on the couch reading before he looked up and closed his book "Did you get them?" He asked

"We got Daisy we just need to find out who has Dabi" I responded as he nodded his head before looking over at Icy her eyes were still puffy but they were red at least

The hound pack feels bad about not finding Dabi I sat on the couch as Peter went back to reading his book

Everyone talked as Peters girlfriend popped in she was wearing different clothes then before which seemed weird I looked over at Derek and saw he did as well

The Hell Hound |Derek Hale x Reader| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now