2. Swap

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Lan Zhan could hear voices around him, not Wei Ying but Wei Ying.

He was still near the ward, "Lan Zhan?" the sound was too deep but the emotion of concern could not be mistaken. He opened his eyes to find he was once again, himself.

While Wei Ying was still in the fierce corpse, he realised what happened, Xichen was in Wei Ying's unconscious body, resting.

"Let your brother, my body... oh how do I address this? Well, let him rest for now."

Wei Ying with the corpse's strength picked up his own body and started to walk back to Sect home.

"Lan Zhan?" there is no emotion in his voice, just a small question. At this moment, as he lowers his own body with Xichen's soul. Lan notices that the Wei Ying within the corpse is no different than Wei Ying in Master Mo's body or within his own. There is a slight curve to his mouth when he speaks as if a burst of laughter would pour out anytime now. Lan Zhancan't help to look at this man with a broad shoulder, round face, average features and dark grey eyes. 


"I need to call Wen Ning for help." As per usual, without him ever having said anything, Wei Ying knew how Lan Zhan felt about Wen Ning.


"I just need help to navigate in a fierce corpse's body." Lan Zhan wanted to say that his husband need not explain anything but it took time for him to find the right words.

"I trust you."

"I know but it still doesn't stop you from feeling jealous of him." And there, he had his husband back. For a few moments, he was trying really hard not to let his thoughts wander on the prospect of Wei Ying bonding with Wen Ning over their shared fierce corps body and current situation but as soon as Wei Ying jokes, all was gone.

Lan Zhan reached out to catch his husband and feel him close but unexpectedly, he jumps back. Wei Ying caught his surprise, "Don't... I let me get my body back first."

Unable to comprehend exactly why he looked at the sleeping body, "you are you."

"But this body isn't mine."

"Neither is this." Lan Zhan looked at the one lying in sleep.

"I..." Wei Ying looked everywhere but at him, "I am jealous. Okay. Don't hug this body, let me get back to mine. I mean.."

Lan Zhan had a distinct impression that Wei Ying would have blushed if he wasn't a cold corpse. this made him want to pull his husband close even more.

"Hug." with that he still pulled him close and crushed the cold body into his. The size was wider than himself and the strength was almost at par with his own. Wei Ying shivered.

"I can get my body back."

"Hmm." Lan Zhan simply revealed the fact that Wei Ying was alive and safe.

"I mean my original body." this made Lan Zhan look, really look at his husband, despite the different features, there was still the same questioning look that did not pour into words when he was being serious.

"Why? How?" Unable to articulate his thoughts, Lan Zhan starts to think about everything that happened, surely Wei Ying would do something like this without telling him. Before he could reach a conclusion, his husband starts to explain.

"There was this," he points to himself, "fierce corpse in the mountain that we went to explore for the hunt but the corpse wasn't natural, it was like Wei Ning. Can you guess who it was? It was our young blood Master Mo. The first thing he did was cut me, still me with talismans, cut himself and exchanged souls. I thought that he what he wanted to be back in his body and free of being in this one." He pointed at himself.

Mo Da Zhu Shi : One Shots (Wangxian)Where stories live. Discover now