Chapter 11: The Ranger Ribbon

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"Well, we were gonna put a ribbon on..." Preston said but was cut off.

"A ribbon. That would be silly. All these ribbons are gonna be trashed. This tree is coming down today." Mr. Tien said to Preston.

"Hey! You can't do that. These ribbons represent important memories to so many people." Hayley said as we all looked up and saw her and Calvin in the tree.

"Young lady." Mr. Tien said, looking at her. "The skyscraper I'm gonna build here is also important. Important to my bank account." Mr. Tien said to her as I rolled my eyes.

"Selfish business people." I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?" Mr. Then asked me.

"Nothing, I said nothing." I said. "Nothing unless you count something you don't want to hear." I muttered behind it.

"Listen up young lady, I am not pleased with your behavior and words." Mr Tien said.

"And so what?" I asked as I let go of Levi's hand and got out from under his arm. "Don't you understand what important moments these ribbons represent? Okay, I may not be from here, but I have been here before I came to live here. I was here with my whole family and we also hung a ribbon. It's one of the only memory's I have here with my family. " I said. "And this is only 1 story. What I mean is for everyone who has hung a ribbon here, there is a story behind it."

"Dad..." Preston said, getting his dad's attention.

"Enough. Wait in the car."Mr. Tien said to Preston.

"But..." Preston said.

"The car. Now!" Mr. Tien yelled. Preston glanced at us before looking down at the ground as Sarah looked at him in disbelief.

"Yes, sir." Preston said as he hesitantly walked towards his dad.

"Preston." Sarah said as he walked away from us. Preston look back at us as he walked away and Preston's dad stepped closer to us

"You can leave quietly or my new assistants will remove you." He challenged

"Were not going anywhere," Brody said.

"And like they can do something against us. I mean it's Victor and Monty!" I added

"Fine" Preston's dad turned to Victor and Monty. "You guys wanna be like me someday huh, then show me what you got. Get them off my property" He said.

"Yes sire!" Victor said. Suddenly, the hose that he was holding flew out of his hand and was pointing towards them as water sprayed out, blasting them away. We laughed when we realized it was Preston using his magic.

"I don't have time for this nonsense." Mr. Tien said as I finished laughing. Mr. Tien turned around and got on my face as Levi wrapped his arm around my waist and held me back. "Mark my words, this tree's gonna be cut down today." He said to us as he turned around and walked away. "Enough with the magic tricks." Mr. Tien said something to Preston and he quickly made his way to the car. Preston looked at us before getting in the car.

"How can his dad be so cold?" Hayley asked us as we turned and looked at Hayley and Calvin."We have to stop him." Hayley said to us.

"But how?" Calvin asked her."He won't even listen to his own son. Why would he listen to us?" Calvin said to her as she looked down at us.

"Tons of people put those ribbons up. Maybe he'll listen to them." I said, throwing out a suggestion.

"Yea, but how are we gonna find them?" Levi asked me.

"We'll make flyers." I said.

"And put them all over town." Sarah said finishing my sentence excited.

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