Prolouge: Malls and Murders

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I was twenty when I met him, when I met the man of my dreams. Marcus Stitch. We both took college together. I fell in love with him from the moment we first met. I am so lucky to be engaged to him.

Marcus loved me for who I was, and I love him for who he was. Marcus was a growing actor. He has featured in a couple of movies that weren't that popular. I watch them all the time, he doesn't like it when I watch his movies because he thinks his parts are cringy, especially when I act like a fangirl. He is adorable when he is annoyed. I love him with all my heart.

As much as I loved Marcus, I knew he needed his man time. So I was going out with Jordyn and Emily were going to have a girls night. We were going to the mall. Jordyn was my sister, a year older than me, and Emily was my best friend. I met her in college, just like Marcus.

"Bye Marcus. Have fun watching the game!" I called, kissed his lips, and walked out the door. As we got in the car, we turned on the radio... And from there, it was all hell...

Be Alright by Dean Lewis was on the radio. I have heard this song a trillion times over because of Jordyn. She is practically obsessed with Dean and all his music. I won't be surprised if she drops dead from excitement the day his album drops.

Emily reached for the radio to change the station, and Jordyn slapped her hand.

"Don't you touch the radio when my Deanie is on!" She cried. Marcus walked out of the house, laughing. But not at Jordyn.

"Wait, did you just call him your Deanie?" He laughed hard. Jordyn rolled her eyes.

"Yeah! Doesn't everyone?!" She said, defensive.

"Bruh, his music isn't even that good!" Marcus said. Boy, saying that was a decision he shouldn't have made, because he lit a bomb..

"UH EXCUSE YOU??? DEAN IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!!" She screamed. I could barely understand her. If the cops get called, I will not be surprised.

Marcus rolled his eyes. "You can think what you want." It's not like Marcus had something against Dean, but he just didn't like that gente of music, and I respect that. I think it's cause I have had Lewis Capaldi on repeat since Someone You Loved came out. (Not just that one song if you're wondering) Not to mention, Jordyn lives with us, and Dean Lewis is always played in her room.

We got into the car and left. Luckily, the song had ended and we didn't have to drive through Jordyn's screaming. Sooner than later, we arrived at the mall, ready to shop until we drop!

We walked around the mall for awhile, then I felt my stomach rumble.

"Sounds like someone's hungry." Emily laughed.

"You guys go on ahead, go get something to eat, I'm not that hungry. I'm just going to go the H&M shop on the other side of the mall. I'll be with you guys in a half hour. Don't worry." Jordyn said. Without thinking, I replied.

"Sure, just be back soon, girl. We want to hang out with you!" I said, she ran the direction towards H&M.

Me and Emily had a great chat. We ate and laughed. Then I realized I wanted to call Marcus. Then I realized that the game is still on, he probably won't answer, so it wasn't worth it.

After what felt like an eternity, Jordyn came back.

"What took you so long?" Emily laughed.

"I found some very cute outfits! I love them!!!" She squealed and pulled out a bunch of clothes from a bag. They looked like they'd be too small for a skinny teenager.

"Those look way to small for you." I said.

"So?" Jordyn laughed. She has this tendency to just grab something that looked cute and she wouldn't look at the size or anything. So it was normal.

"Let's just enjoy the night." I laughed.

We walked around the mall until we got bored, then we drove home. When we got home, I did not expect what I saw...

Police officers surrounded the area! I was confused. Why were there this many officers? And what were they doing here?

I stepped out of the car.

"Hey officer, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" I trembled.

"Where have you all been around 8:29 p.m?" The officer.

"We've all been at the mall. We were hanging out there... What's wrong?" I asked... Then I realized, Marcus!

"Where is Marcus?" I asked.

"Marcus Stitch? Well unfortunately, he was a victim to a very serious crime, a homicide!"

My heart shattered. Marcus was dead? What??? Who did this??? And why???

"You're joking right?" I stammered.

"I'm sorry, Miss Wilson is it?" The officer said. I nodded my head. I watched as the guard searched the house. All I could think about was Marcus. I should've called him! If I did, I could've said "I love you" one last time!

I'm broken... And no one can fix me..

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