Chapter 8

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A/N This will be the last chapter that the updates will be almost daily, school starts tomorrow so the updates will be less consistent

Also, I just realised I've been writing like the Government's base is a building, so let's just say their main base is a building while their base camp is when they're doing missions

You're gonna yell at me like how I yelled at the characters I bet
(Hint: I was screaming "JUST KISS ALREADY" throughout the first part of this chapter)
Minor blood warning again

Tell the General: 0

Walk off: 0

Continue going to the place Charles really wanted him to see: 1

(Sorry if I couldn't take your answer cause I started writing this already)

Henry's POV

     "Rupert's the only one who takes the back door to get home, this must have been him" Charles stated, concern for his comrade written all over
     "Maybe he hit his knee or something before he left. Come on, he's part of the Government, he must be fine" I reassured
     "Maybe, should we go tell the General just in case?" he asked
     "Why not tell him on the way back, it's still the morning and Rupert may show up" I suggested
     "I guess that is always a possibility" Charles stood up from his knelt place and grabbed my hand, dragging me out the back door with a huge grin on his face that could brighten anyone's day, "Come on, let me show you that place I wanted to show you" he called out as the wind blew away his voice.

After a while of walking, they reached a nearby forest
     "This way, come on" Charles called, already a fair way ahead of me. I activated my cyberwings and flew to catch up with Charles
     "How much energy do you have?" I asked once we paused at a large tree in a clearing in the forest
     "Too much" Charles panted with a chuckle.

     "Here we are" Charles announced once he caught his breath, gesturing to the tree
     "There is nothing here" I blankly stated
     "Use your eyes," Charles told me, pointing up.

I looked up, only to see what looked to be a crashed helicopter in the trees, held up by a lot of vines
     "I haven't told anyone about this place, it's my secret area" Charles whispered, pulling a handing vine which released a ladder that he climbed, I just used my wings to fly up though.
     "Cheat" Charles mumbled once he reached the top which I just rolled my eyes, amused.

I crawled onto the top of the helicopter which Charles
     "Wow" I managed to say, the view was spectacular, you could see for miles
     "It may seem childish that this seems like a treehouse, but this is one of my favourite places and always will be" Charles smiled, the early morning sun seemed to make his eyes sparkle.

We sat there for what seemed to be forever, just sitting there and enjoying the view, until Charles' headphones rang
     "Where are you and Henry?" the General yelled
     "We're just hanging out," Charles told him
     "We need you both back here, now" he ordered, ending the call
Charles sighed, looking at me
     "I guess we need to head back then" Charles muttered.

Charles gave a yelp as I picked him up, activating my cyberwings and flew
     "It will be faster this way" I informed after Charles stopped panicking of being held 50 feet above the ground
     "I may be a pilot but that doesn't mean I like being dangled from the sky like this" Charles complained, holding onto me with dear life
     "Deal with it," I told him, flying down to land outside the back door.

After Charles managed to stand properly, we raced inside only to see the General and a few others there too
     "Do you guys know anything about this?" the general asked, gesturing to the red liquid on the floor.

Tell the General what you saw

Say nothing

666 words

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