Untitled Part 3

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When guests are visiting , servants are not really needed except for serving tea and cake. There were enough servants available so Celia took the chance to continue reading her book. So she quickly grabs her book from her room and sits under a tree that is in the back garden. Most servants spent their breaks in the back garden. But this time she was alone. She liked being alone or at least it does not bother her. She had a special way of reading. She reads with emotion when something is funny she giggles when something is sad she sheds a tear.While reading she heard footsteps. Celia slowly looks up and sees Luc. Immediately she stood up and wiped away the reading emotions of her face."Here" he says while giving her the book she was intrested in "I saw you looking at it so i figured... you know...". "Jane Austen, never seen a man reading Jane Austen"she says shyly ."i think she is truly remarkable " he replied while smiling. For a second they just stared at each other. It is like they knew. They knew they will get along. He asked her if he can read to her and of course she happily agreed. Together they sat under the tree.He was reading . She was listening. It was her first time seeing the man but it felt like she has known him forever. After a while he stood up and said "i should go they might be looking for me i should not be seen with...a ser.....you". " i understand" she said . He took a last glimpse of her and walked away. He could not get the picture of her smiling out of his head.

"how Is college" Mrs...., asked "Luc!''. "sorry uhm...its good..going well" he responds.He knew exactly he was not supposed to spend time with a servant. It was simply unacceptable.
Luc didn't talk alot. although he was the best student among his peers , he never bragged about it in fact he doesn't mention his grades at all. His father wants him to become a successful doctor specialized in neurology. All his peers  want to become businessmen, factory owners ,bankers and so on. All he wanted to do was write. Write poems. it's his passion and he believes it's the only remarkable thing left on earth. His father keeps advising him to stop dreaming about this "rubbish"called poems and start thinking about his future and money. " how the hell are you going to make money out of writing!" was the father's argument.
It was time for bed , but Luc couldn't fall asleep. All he thought of was this girl he met. Her face was engraved in his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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