Bad Day

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Just to let you guys know, there is talk of bullying in the first three paragraphs. I needed to write a Mikey x Reader badly, and I figured he’d be good to help cheer up someone who was upset.



You ran out the front doors of your school as fast as you could. You just wanted to get home and cry. It was the only place you could get away from all the pain and torture.

School was horrible for you. All your friends had turned on you as soon as you entered high school just so they could be “cool”. They became your tormentors, and got other people in on it. Before, between, and after class you would end up getting cornered in some way shape or form. You’d always get hurt, sometimes physically, sometimes mentally. Your freshman algebra teacher would let you sit in her classroom during lunch in order to escape the torment. When she found out you were being bullied, she went straight to the principal about it, but the lazy bum never did anything about it. He said they were just being kids and it wasn’t anything to get worked up about. It hurt you when he told you and your teacher that.

However, you were pushed beyond your limits today. Your former teacher was out sick that day so you couldn’t seek refuge with her. In order to get away from the people who harassed you, you went to hide yourself in the bathroom. However, it wasn’t empty like you were hoping and you ran into the three girls who started the nightmare. They pushed you around, pulled your hair, threw food and drink at you, staining your clothes. The one girl who used to be your best friend since third grade slapped you multiple times and said nasty things about you. They even threw some of your homework for your sixth period in the toilet and flushed it down, so when you tried to explain to your teacher what happened, they only got mad at you for making up excuses. Thankfully they didn’t write you up or give you detention, just an F and extra work to try and get your grade up.

So now you were running down the street, tears flowing down your cheeks. You wanted to get away from it all. You decided to ask your mom about pulling you out and just have you do virtual school for the rest of your high school career. You tried to look on the bright side about it; your mom would probably agree, as she was very understanding. She would be upset you didn’t tell her about the bullying and you’d probably get a good talk from her. But you didn’t care. You just wanted it to end.

You finally reached your house and fumbled to unlock the door, as tears were blurring your vision. As soon as the door was unlocked, you threw the door open and slammed it shut, locking it. You threw your backpack on the ground and kicked your shoes off, not caring that the one almost hit a window. You ran up to your room so you could finally curl up in bed and cry your eyes out. However, you almost screamed when you saw someone was laying on your bed.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Michelangelo grinned at you. When he got a better look at you, his smile faded and he jumped off the bed instantly, taking your face in his hands, "What the shell happened?!"

"I-It’s nothing, M-Mikey," you choked out. You felt the urge to simply push him away, but his touch was so soft, gentle, and caring. It was probably better if you let him hold you.

"Something happened," Mikey’s voice hardened. He picked you up and carried you over to you bed. You tucked your head under his chin as he sat down, sitting you in his lap, "Tell me why your upset, (Y/N)."

"It… it… w-was…" you couldn’t even speak before you burst out in complete sobs. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his chest.

Mikey held you tighter, running his fingers through your hair and rubbing your back, “Shh, shh. You don’t have to say anything.”

His voice was so soothing, and the way he held you comforted you. In fact, just him being there helped immensely. Mikey pressed his lips to the top of your head, sending a chill down your spine. A good kind of chill.

After a while you started to calm down, taking a couple deep, yet shaky breaths. You lifted your head and looked into his gorgeous baby blue eyes.

"You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to," Mikey held your chin. You opened your mouth to say something, but felt tears well up again.

"I-I… I had… a bad… bad day," you tried not to burst out sobbing again. Tears began to roll down your cheeks and you felt your lip begin to quiver.

"Well, I’m here for you. I won’t leave," Mikey held your cheek and wiped the tears away with his thumb. You gave him a small smile and placed your hand over his.

The two of you stared into each other’s eyes before leaning in closer until your lips came into contact. He moved his lips slowly, caressing yours gently. You sighed into the kiss and he gently pushed you onto your back. Mikey crawled over you and deepened the kiss, running his tongue across your bottom lip. You opened your mouth to let him slide his tongue in and trace small patterns across your own.

It wasn’t an aggressive kiss, but a gentle, loving one. When Mikey pulled away, he smiled down at you.

"How are you feeling now?" Mikey asked, placing a hand on your cheek.

"Better," you returned the smile.

It was true. You did feel better. Of course you were still going to bring up the virtual school to your mom. But now, you and Mikey snuggled together under the covers and proceeded to fall into a sweet sleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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