Megan and Anna

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Meg and Anna we're at a party, when Vapor by 5sos came on. Megan got extremely hyped but sad while Anna had to leave to go to the bathroom.

"I WANT TO BREATHE YOU IN LIKE A VAPOR, I WANT TO BE THE ONE YOU REMEMBER..." Meg started screaming, but then her voice goes dead instantly so she headed to the drink table to get some water or soda.

As Anna was heading to the bathroom, she jumped as soon as she heard Meg then started dying of laughter. She waited in line and as she was looking at herself in the mirror, outside the door she heard " Hey Mike.... you hear that.... let's go talk to them" it was freaking Sierra Deaton. Anna rushed so quickly out of there.

Anna ran into Meg almost spilling the drinks, Meg gave the other one to her friend where she just downed it, and started rambling about how Mike and Sierra were coming to talk to Meg.

As she was saying that, the girl who is the life of the party just stopped and turned her friend around to see the guitarist and the second wife of 5sos coming towards them.

"Finally someone understands my true talent in this song", "Mike shut up, hey I'm Sie-" "Sierra yeah, we know, Vapor is a great song and just a vibe for partying" said Megan. As they started talking 'Miss All American' came on and Mike, Sierra, Meg, and Anna went and danced and talked, while the other boys and gfs joined in on the circle.

By the end they were all jumping and screaming and having the time of their lives.

At 1:30 am Meg and Anna decide to head back to the apartment. As they enter Lidia, Ana, Mali, and Kim came out of their rooms after studying for their tests. "Where is Mya, Pandora, Makayla, and Yani?", " Oh, well Mya and Yani went to pick up some pizzas, and Pandora and Makayla went to get more whine and alcohol, we ran out but they should be back soon." said Lidia

When everyone was back the besties sat down together and talked, watched movies, and of course had their own party. "Damn, I'm not missing a party ever again", they all laughed, and agreed with Lidia.

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