Part one

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3rd POV:
There he is, I travelled all this way and I can't stop now. Just talk to him, don't be rude and you'll be fine. Remember what Zhongli said, you have the wine right? He quickly checked his bag. I just need to hear him play. His heart began to beat faster then before, he wandered around mondstat, wondering where Barbatos would be, he got weird looks and someone was moaning on the street for some reason. He was greeted by a small boy on a bridge, who then yelled at him for scaring away his pigeons. What an odd place, I won't need to stay here long. Deep breathes Xiao, deep breathes. He couldn't help but want to turn back, he believed he didn't deserve the small relief that flute brought him but he couldn't carry on much longer. He couldn't even sleep, it was a never ending cycle of misery and he needed a break, no matter how short lived. The only other winery here is this place, surely he must be here. "Hey venti, you should start saving some money for things, other then wine ya know." Lumine? Venti? That's the name of the bard he'd been searching for, despite himself a small smile began to creep onto his face and he made his way over to the bar. The floating fairy and the traveler are leaving, perhaps they didn't notice me. Weird, my clothes don't help me blend in at all. No time to waste pondering now's my chance. By the time he looked up and had plucked up the courage to greet the green fellow, he had disappeared.

Xiaoven angst REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now