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This is the continuation of
Dark side of me
Those of you that updated my novel
Am sorry for taking so long to publish the continuation

Preview of the dark side of me
Belle father is an alien from mars
He came to earth for his safety
On arriving on earth he lost his only sister as we all know naruto whose name was changed to arnold in the novel the dark side of me  has anger issue
He fell in love with a indian maiden

They got married
During the process of child bearing his wife gangaa died

Arnold could not bear the pain and agony that the death of gangaa cause him

His dark side was unleashed and was seen as a threat to the society he was detain by the police

Pa and ma the parents of gangaa both died

Ma actually died due to high blood pressure

Belle was haunted
Because she was an alien child from mars the nurse who helped in child bearing of the female child hid the girl from the government agencies

She took the girl to live with her mother when the hospital was shuts down due to the missing child she was forced to go live with her mother and the infant

belle loved her new home but her secret was never spoken off

Chapter 1

Belle has grown up through out the years she has become a teenager her past life was never spoken of

Belle grew up had alot of friends

When she turn 18 she started facing paranormal occasion

Belle was in  a soccer field she sign up for soccer
She was one of their best player not until she kicked a ball that flew out of space

The whole crowd was baffled due to her action

Belle was scared and ran out of the field on getting home she informed her mother of what happened

Her mother will always tell her is puberty

~belle povs~

It's morning I layed in my bed

So not interested to go to school the whole school thinks am a freak my mother walked in and saw me starring at the celling

She questioned me

Belle won't you get dress up for school you don't want to be late",said mary

I look at her as she walked out of the room with no reply high school is my worst nightmare I jumped up from the bed ran to my bathroom took my bath dress up and ate breakfast

I miss the bus",I yelled in frustration

I started running
because my school wasn't that far
I was running everything begin to slow

It was like I was seeing everything in slow motion I could see my school bus driver pass me in a dash

I stop and I figure out I was in school everyone in the bus was baffled on how I got there before them

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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