Chapter 29: The Lie Hater

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"I am sorry please-" She stood up and went backward, "You kill people! You expect me to be with you when we both are different! I never wanted to be with a monster!" Each word cut through like a knife for him.

He stood up to move towards her but she only stepped backward, "Stay away! You are a monster!" Chaeyoung didn't want to say these words either, she loved him but he kills, he kills innocent people and that is unacceptable for her.

He scrunched down, his hands behind him to show that he won't harm her, "Chaeyoung listen to me please!" He pleaded, his eyes showed his pain. She couldn't help but stop, she can't resist him and he knows that.

"Just listen to me once, if you don't want to be with me I understand but please don't call the police, I will never come back but please listen to me, not as Jimin but as your Chim." He said, though he didn't want to leave her he can't force her either, she nodded.

"I love you, I truly do. I lied to you because I know that you won't ever love me back when you know about me. I don't want to a mafia member either but my dad was one of them and I needed to." He started and she listened silently.

"I had no choice but to lie to everyone, I didn't want to force you either but I can't help but fall in love with you all over again. I won't hurt you, never. If you still want to be away from me, just say and I will go and never come back." He completed.

Chaeyoung stood there listening to his soft voice, sadness evident in it. She couldn't resist herself, she was even devoted to spending her life with him, he made her feel special. Really special.

She broke into tears in front of him, he wanted to comfort her like always but at this time, she might not want that.

"How? Why me?" Her mumbles were painful for Jimin to hear. She was a crying mess and his face was filled with tears of his own.

They both sat there crying, crying and crying. While Jennie and Taehyung were outside, witnessing every moment. Jennie's tears were already on her face, she was sobbing looking at her friend's state.

Taehyung sighed and with Jennie entered the apartment surprising the two broken pieces inside. "Unnie?" Chaeyoung whispered and stood up, coming towards Jennie they both hugged each other tightly.

Jennie knew Chaeyoung needed her right now, she always needed her when she can't decide what's right for her.

"Don't cry, wifey," Jennie said, her voice filled with care and comfort for her. Taehyung nodded towards Jennie and she went inside with the crying girl.

Taehyung went towards his best friend, comforting him as much he could. They both sat outside for more than two hours waiting for the two girls to finish talking and Chaeyoung to announce her decision. Jimin was in total pain.

Jennie was patting Chaeyoung's back to help her slow down her sobs. She hated to see her best friend like this, she hugged her and decided that she needs to know. Everything. Everything that happened to her for the past few months.

"You know where I was?" Jennie questioned, "On vacation." She said still lightly sobbing.

"No, I was kidnapped." Chaeyoung's eyes widened, she looked at her friend's face to notice any smile so that she can feel this was a prank.

"I was kidnapped by some people who sold me to a mafia member." Jennie was so calm that Chaeyoung was shocked, it is a big thing how can she say it so calmly? She thought. She noticed how Jennie closed her eyes as she continues.

"That guy is amazing, caring, and loving. We both fell in love with each other and surprisingly Jimin was his friend and I met him, they are a family and I swear they are really good people, Chaeyoung." Jennie said patting the girl's shoulder.

Chaeyoung swears her best friend has gone crazy. Mafia people are the most crucial people on the planet for her, they are good? That was the best joke she ever heard. "Have you gone crazy unnie? Did they drugged or forced you?" She asked.

"No! I am telling the truth. Yeah, they do kill people but only bad ones. They have a heart too Chaeyoung and I have seen it Jimin's heart beats for you." Chaeyoung was left confused about this whole situation.

"I am leaving you to think for yourself, Jimin won't stop you from becoming a doctor or save people's lives, he loves you a lot. Just take the right step." With that Jennie left and Chaeyoung's mind began to wonder.

Jimin stood up as Jennie came outside, she only sadly shook her head telling him that she is still not ready to answer. They all sat outside, waiting for her. While Chaeyoung was very confused, she hated people who kill and now even Jennie wants her to be part of them.

Everyone's head turned to the door as Chaeyoung came outside. Jimin stood up eager to listen to her decision, his thumping heart was pounding out of his chest, it could be seen and heard if you go near him. He was nervous as hell.

She first went to Jennie, whispered something to her, and then made her way towards Jimin. Her small steps were killing Jimin slowly, he wanted to know what are her words.

A smile was evident on Jennie's face and Taehyung quickly understood what is her final decision. They both went outside leaving the two hugging each other as her answer was,

"I will go with you, my Chimmy."

Hey, minies! She agreed! Yay! Anyways, I am changing my account name.

Hope you love the chapter, it was mostly Jirosè because the mochi couple are cuties!

Vote and comment :)

Love you all,

Coldly Fragile || TAENNIE ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu