37 | 𝓖𝓸𝓷𝓮

Start from the beginning

As if I was going to listen to that. As we closed the deal, I noted I only had eight minutes left to arrive at school. I sent Grayson a short and hasty explanation of where I was going, while I opened the front door and sprinted out. 

Never in my life have I ever been in such a rush. The adrenaline pumping through my veins helped, though I was sure I was about to cry. 

I was already panting like a dog when I was only halfway, I grunted out loud. The streets were empty and misty. It was cold outside, I had no sweater or jacket on, not even any shoes. Stupid, stupid, stupid, I wanted to mutter to myself as my feet began hurting from the harsh pavement, but I had to save the last of my breaths to get there on time.  

After a few minutes, I stood in front of the gates, fully out of breath. I need to exercise more often. I plucked out my phone from my pocket and watched in horror as I saw the clock switch from minutes. I was late. Three minutes too late. 

I raced to the school building's entrance as if I was being chased by someone. I pushed open the double doors militantly, scanning the halls from left to right. Nothing.

I sent Cassius a curt 'im here' message, hoping it'd hold him back from hurting Bella. If he hasn't already.

Unknown: Good, now let's play treasure hunting.

I could imagine the maniac smile he had on right now. His eyes showed the craziness in them. I shivered when I felt like I was being watched. 

Me: this is all just a game to you??

I requested in disbelief. I knew he was a psychopath, the things he's done...it all just gets worse!

Unknown: You can ask Grayson now, he knows how much I like games. We used to play it all the time. But for now, let me call you. 

Just then, a ringing sound erupted from the mobile in my hands. I gasped and fiddled with the volume before the loud echo could continue any further.  

I pressed the green button without thinking about it and the shrilling stopped at once, it was dead silent again. I didn't want to make the first move, but standing here and waiting until something might happen to Bella was not an option. 

"H-Hello?" I forced out. The only sign of life at the end of the line was the sudden breathing that started. It was a calm yet heavy pattern. It was Cassius. 

"Hello, Darling," came his eerie voice. I cringed at the nickname. "The first thing you'll probably want to know is where to find Arabella. Am I correct?"

I held back a huff. That was the only reason I came here. "Just tell me where she is. Please," I was by now begging. 

Him chuckling made me sick, then the sound of his footsteps could be heard on the phone. I, from where I stood, could only hear the deafening silence. He must be on a higher floor or in another building. 

"Okay, first tip," the amusement in his voice made me so angry, a tear soundlessly left the corner of my eye. I was mad, scared, concerned... "Where do a lot of people have sex in school?" 

Are you serious right now? In school? What kind of question even is this?  

"I-I don't know." 

"Oh, come on. Think harder," he teased. 

"The bathroom?" My hopes were high, I didn't want to be a pawn in his lunatic game. He hummed in satisfaction. 


"The changing rooms?" Every second that passed made me more nervous and freaked out. I think I was going insane. 

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