Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day and you'd think everyone on the smp would be happy and in a good mood, but that wasn't the case, everyone was at the newly built community house and confronting Tommy on the wars and pain 'he had caused'.

Most were staring daggers at him, some like Ranboo silent and confused. Puffy and Sam being the only ones verbally defending Tommy, but against everyone else their words meant nothing.

"Tommy! think about all the wars! They were all caused by you! " Shouted Niki, something completely unexpected, from the once nice, caring woman.

"We tried to get you to behave..." Tubbo yelled, tears forming while he paused for a quick, silent second, "but you just don't listen!!"

Even his best friend was against him...

"It would be better if you were never here" Jack sighed.

"Hey everyone calm down" Ranboo pleaded with a whisper.

"Be quiet Ranboo" Phil snapped "he got himself in this situation, he's a gotten himself into this, its disappointing"

"How could you say that Phil?" Puffy exclaimed, her eyes widening at the comment.

"Puffy he betrays everyone, yet he's never been betrayed" Techno told her in a monotone voice.

"Oh really?" Tommy muttered loud enough for them to hear "are so sure that not a single person has ever even had the simple thought of turning against ME!?"

Everyone was staring at him, Tommy was loud, but in a way that only showed joy, or excitement, not anger and resentment.

"When Quackity ran against me in the election, when Eret betrayed l'manburg, when Wilbur went insane" Tommy paused to catch his breath "When Schlatt exiled me, when Tubbo exiled me! When Techno blew up l'manburg TWICE, when Jack AND Niki tried to kill me multiple times!"

Tommy paused and turned to the two of their shocked expressions "I'm not oblivious" he said venomously.

Then there's also, when no one visited me during exile and that's only what I have at the top of my head, oh and don't forget when i was emotionally abused and manipulated by Dream, and how everyone blames every bad situation on me!"

Everyone stood in silence the reality of what Tommy had been through sinking in - he's only sixteen...

"The again it'll be better without me.... Wouldn't it?" Tommy finished.

"That's why you should of stayed in exile with me :)" Dream said approaching Tommy. All Tommy did was look at him and sighed walking towards him.

Tommy opened his inventory and pulled out his discs. Everyone stared in confusion, why was Tommy pulling them out, especially in front of the person who wanted them.

"I'm done" Tommy stated, no one had any words to say, a silence filled the air. Dream paused to think before breaking the silence "what?..." His words were laced confusion and somehow a bit of worry.

"I said I'm done! Take the discs!" Tommy exclaimed shoving them into his arms. "I'm tired off all of this, I'm done" tears were filling his eyes, he stretched his arms out" I caused this damage did I? Physical and emotional!? Well then I'll leave if that's what you really! truly!" Tommy yelled, tears streaming down his face.

He opened his wings, lifting off into the sky.

No one stopped him or apologized - he flew off, fleeing the smp

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