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Tennis no Oujisama © Konomi Takeshi, Shuheisha, Inc

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Tennis no Oujisama © Konomi Takeshi, Shuheisha, Inc.

The Hyotei Tennis Club had been known as one of the best teams in the nation, especially due to their reputation as the ikemen tennis club

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The Hyotei Tennis Club had been known as one of the best teams in the nation, especially due to their reputation as the ikemen tennis club. Keigo didn't want to apologise for it. It wasn't his fault for making the club known for something that was completely unrelated to tennis.

It was like a tradition that every time they practiced, the non-tennis members, be it boys or girls, would swarm the court. Of all the regulars that were being called, his name dominated the crowds.

It wasn't his fault.

He was the King of Hyotei, after all.

Stepping onto the court and being magnificently eclipsed by the sun, Keigo Atobe made his grand entrance to the court. With the jacket hung on both of his shoulders, he smirked whilst raising an arm and snapped his fingers. Oh, how he loved it when they displayed their obedience by immediately stopping any sounds.

"The winner will be..." he opened his eyes, flashing his infamous smirk when they eagerly anticipated his words despite repeating it numerous times.


Ah, yes... That feeling when he muttered the name of his 'kingdom' or school was glorious and he never grew tired of repeating the same scene every time. They erupted into cheers louder than before, followed by the infamous Hyotei chant that became his trademark. The regulars would tediously roll their eyes during the events.

The Intraschool Ranking Tournament was being held immediately because the District Preliminaries would take place as soon as the third week of the month. Of course, he could win the entire match even with his eyes closed.

The rest of the regulars chosen was as he expected: Munehiro, Yuushi, Mukahi, Ryou, Chōtaro, Jirou, and Haginosuke Taki, while Wakashi unexpectedly had to quit due to ankle injury.

To celebrate this, he treated them to Yakiniku.

While waiting for their orders, Keigo's mind strayed to his recent occurrence with her.He had met her a few times as the janitor and she seemed to be more open and happy when talking to him in his disguise.

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