Chapter 1- Chance of a lifetime

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For Myoui Mina the catbird seat has always been an enviable position, given the fact that all throughout her uneventful acting career she's only landed one memorable role and that's as a secondary character. Truly, being the easily forgotten no-name actress in South Korea is somehow a real low-blow to her ego. One may think she should have known better because she's been in the industry for almost a decade, but, one must always understand that not everyone is insightful. Myoui Mina, the 24-year-old actress has spent the last nine years of her life trying to snatch one good hit. She's been waiting for that one role that might change her life. Of course, not everyone can be Song Hye Kyo or Lee Min Ho, right?

Myoui Mina, even after living on her own since she was 18 still hasn't gotten off cloud nine and she still hasn't dealt with the loud fact that she isn't popular. In her own little world, she thinks that one day her big break will come, and when that day comes, people will kiss her feet and praise her.

However, even though it would seem like she's some sort of dunce for not quitting years ago, the truth is all she wants is to prove herself to the world and to her family. How might she prove herself you may ask? It's by snatching the catbird seat in the Show business Industry. The catbird seat is a sought-after position, She knows that by having this, she'll have the power over people. Power has always been something that she's always wanted. Regrettably, this is something miss Mina doesn't have.

However, in her beautiful mind, she knows not having the upper hand is the only reason for her to only want it more. 


Most perfect stories would start by having the main character wake up to birds chirping or sun rays seeping through the cracks of their curtain, but this isn't a perfect story. This is reality. Myoui Mina or Minari as affectionately referred to as by her boundary-crossing co-workers, awoke because of her chaotic phone ringing at six in the damn morning. With her hair disheveled, dried saliva on one side of her mouth, Mina sighs in displeasure. Who the hell awoke her from her slumber?

Manager Yoo.

If it were any other person, Mina would have ignored it and set her phone on airplane mode. Manager Yoo isn't someone to be messed with. Let's just say that Mina ignored her manager's calls in the past and it did not end well for her.

"Yes, manager?" She immediately answered her phone, her voice groggy.

"Did you read the email and attachment I sent you last night?" Manager Yoo is straightforward as usual.

Mina wanted to curse but that would give away the fact that she in fact didn't read any emails sent the night before. Mina just sat in bed and stared at her wooden floor. "You know manager Yoo---" MIna was about to make some sort of excuse, she's even ready to laugh her way through her Manager's scolding.

"Yeah. I figured you wouldn't have read it anyway." Manager Yoo is almost at her tipping point, scolding Mina wasn't her priority. "That's why I bombarded you with phone calls cause I knew you can be ... forgetful." The manager downplays Mina's personality.

"Yes, I'll be better next time Manager-nim." Mina chuckles.

"Anyway, the role for the handmaiden." Starts Manager Yoo.

"Yeah, what about it?" Asks Mina. It's been more than a couple of months since she auditioned for the role of Sook-hee, and if she were to be honest, she wasn't really expecting to get the role. "I flunked it, didn't I?" Mina laughs to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"Yup, you did flunk it." Says Manager Yoo without any hesitation.

"That figures." Mina rolls her eyes, wondering what the point of the call was. "Then why are you calling me, manager? It's too damn early for me to be disappointed. You could've told me after lunch or something so I could enjoy my failure with a glass of red wine. Maybe with some pasta. " Mina stands up to walk towards her kitchen."The possibilities are endless." Mina jokes.

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