Chapter 24

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It took three full days for you to be able to start walking again. Luke was off today and offered to spend the day with Leo while you went out and either had a girls day with your friends, or just spent the day to yourself. You decided to call Brittany to see if she was busy today, because you haven't seen her in the longest time. You take out your phone and click on her contact before holding the phone to your ear and then you wait for her to answer.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey Britt." You smile. "Are you busy today?"

"Uh yeah, sorry." She says.

"Oh okay. No problem." You say, disappointed. "Luke's off today and offered to watch Leo so I could have a day to myself or go out with friends."

"Oh. Cool." She says.

You frown. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She says.

"Something seems off." You say. "You don't seem like yourself."

"Yeah, neither do you lately." She says, before hanging up.

You sit there, confused, and try to wonder what she meant by that. You feel like you've been yourself lately. Maybe she meant the pregnancy hormones?

You decide to go to the apartment and talk to her in person. You get ready then say bye to your boys then walk to your car. You get in and buckle and then drive to the apartment. You pull into the parking garage for it and park.

You walk to the apartment and knock on the door. Sabrina answers and looks at you shocked. "Oh.. hi Kaitlyn."

"Hi.. is Brittany here?" You ask.

She stays silent for a few seconds debating on whether or not to let you in before nodding and opening the door wider.

You thank her and walk inside. You look around and wait for her to get Brittany.

Brittany walks out of her room after a few minutes and looks at you. "Hi."

"Hey.. is everything okay?" You ask.

"Yeah." She says, acting very distant.

You sigh. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, but what exactly did I do?"

"Every time I ask you to hang out or try to call you, you don't answer or you and Luke already have plans. I never hear from you anymore. It's like I don't exist." She says.

"I called you today and you said you were busy." You tell her.

"Sucks, doesn't it?" She asks.

"Why are you acting like this? This isn't you." You say.

"Yeah well it's not you either." She argues.

"I'm sorry. I'm a new mom, I'm busy now a days." You explain.

"It's been like that since you were pregnant." She rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry okay? Can we please go back to how we used to be?" You ask.

She stays silent and Sabrina nudges her, and forces her to say something.

"Fine, I guess we can try." She sighs.

You smile. "What do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. I'm kind of hanging with Sabrina so I'm still busy." She says, crossing her arms.

"Sabrina doesn't care if I take you away, do you Sabrina?" You ask her.

She looks at you and shakes her head.

You smile. "Great. We're going out. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." She says.

"Well, get ready. You have fifteen minutes and then I'm dragging you out." You tell her and sit on the couch.

She sighs and goes and gets ready. You were determined not to have her mad at you anymore. You were going to plan a really fun day while she was getting ready. You booked some appointments and then looked at the time. "Let's go Brittany."

She walks out of her room and grabs her things and walks out of the apartment. You get up and follow her. "I'll drive."

She nods and walks to the parking garage. You follow and unlock your car. You both get in and buckle. You start the car and start to drive.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

"We're going to get manicures and pedicures." You smile.

She nods and looks out of the window. Once you get there, you park and walk inside. You both pick out colors and start with pedicures. Once the pedicures are done, you do manicures. You finish before her and pay for the both of you.

"You didn't have to do that." She says, once she's done.

"I have to make up being a crappy friend somehow." You chuckle.

"Thanks but buying things won't help." She says, walking outside.

You sigh. You really just want to make up before your birthday next week. You always celebrated together and you didn't want this year to be different. You loved your traditions.

You get in the car and buckle and start driving to the next place. Your old tree house. It was still in your parents backyard. You start driving back to Long Island and she looks at the signs as you drive. "Where are we going?"

"Home." You smile.

She nods and after a while you get to your childhood home and park. You get out of the car and open the fence to your backyard. You guys walk back there and climb into the treehouse.

She looks around and smiles. "We had a lot of good memories here."

"We did." You smile. "Remember when we snuck a boy up here and my dad caught us?"

She chuckles and nods. "We were only trading Silly Bandz. We weren't making out or having sex."

You nod and laugh. "He's crazy."

"He is." She laughs.

"Look Britt, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to act different." You apologize. "I'll change back, I swear."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I overreacted." She apologizes.

"You didn't overreact." You reassure her. "Friends?"

"Best friends." She smiles. "Oh, thank you for the nails by the way."

"Anything for you." You smile and lean over to hug her.

She hugs back and then pulls away. "Got any Silly Bandz you don't want?" She jokes.

You laugh. It was nice to not be fighting with her anymore. You hated when you guys fought. You were more like sisters than best friends.

"Maybe." You smile.

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now