Cloaked in Shadow

Start from the beginning

Disobey - Oddko/Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson

Morathi sat idly on her throne as she waited impatiently for news from outside of Naggaroth. Her servants had reverted to their usual states. Most of them, at least. Some were less fortunate and died horrifically in terrible and mutated states. And few were taken in by Druchii enforcers to be... "interrogated". It made her irritable, to say the least, but her thoughts were elsewhere.

The slaves at her feet yearned for her attention as they lounged lazily on the floor under the influence of ecstasy and narcotics running in their veins. One kissed her foot in an attempt to appease her mistress. She was met with a shove from her foot into the face, causing her to yelp as she fell on her back. Morathi could only laugh at the girl's little mishap. She stood up from her seat and walked along the corridors of her tower. Several slaves and servants looked up to her with undying reverence as she passed by them.

She was the Hag-Sorceress of Ghrond; Mother of the Witch-King and the Druchii. All who looked upon her loved her and despaired wherever she walked. And right now, she was in considerable mood to start moving the pieces on the board. She had sent messages, premonitions and even death threats to her spies all over to bring back reports on any of the latest activity. Especially with the recent phenomena that occurred last night.

Morathi reached for one of the rooms on the left side. Here, could she conduct her rituals without distractions. The room was used to commit both blood rituals and oversee the world. At the center of it, was a pool meant for cleansing purposes but also to spill blood to rejuvenate her youthful appearances. However, she had her sights on the crystal ball that had been held in place further on the other facet of the room. She glided above the pool and stood before the crystal ball. Placing her hand on the smooth but reflective surface, she began scrying and searched for her answers.

Visions began flooding in her mind. Thousands upon thousands swarmed her very consciously. Dangerous it may have been to the uninitiated, but to the Hag-Sorceress, they were nothing more than a slight migraine. However, there were clear images of disorder and anarchy around the world. Many of which involved Chaos and its minions slowly descending into madness in the same vein as her Pleasure Cult followers. Massive infighting and an influx of insanity plagued the minds of every cultist. For the Hag-Sorceress, it intrigued her no doubt for while she may be in league with the followers of the Serpent, Morathi saw it beneficial to abandon Hir out of sheer self-preservation should the need arise. Just what caused this phenomenon is the question.

Indulging in the thought of going into her greatest enemy's territory, she started in Ulthuan. She scoured her sights on the spies supplanted themselves there on both her and Malekith's orders. If the Asur had something special, then she will surely get her hands on it before they could. If she sees something she likes, then she will have it as desired.

Scrying more, she finally sets her sights on one individual.

Feliceth of House Mournheart. Daughter of minor nobility, and one of Morathi's playthings. And from what she can see in the golden-haired girl, she was hurrying to the safety of her home. From what? She'll get her claws, soon enough.

Calling her through the orb, she made her presence clear in the girl's mirror, just as she entered her room.

"Having trouble, my dear?" Morathi started as she announced herself. The girl jumped in fright as she heard the frosty tone of her superior. She slowly turned to see Morathi in all her glory and looked with widened eyes before prostrating herself to the floor in front of her.

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