The Slayer Cometh

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Leaving hir bed - much to hir slaves' pleadings - Slaanesh walked towards her finest mirror. A large, opulent one it was. Tall enough to reach the roof of her home. She first admired her lovely form - Perfection as it always will be - before calling upon her powers to retrieve the answers she seeks. It would take some time to find it, but Slaanesh will always have what She desires...

The Realm of Blood

Khorne - The Blood God - sat upon his throne. His seat of skulls, ever-growing. And his rivers of blood, ever-flowing. War and Wrath ever-present around him, for they were his domain. The glory of battle it was he sought, for only the greatest of warriors were worthy of his attention. Yet he remained stoic for much of his time. Other times, he will throw into a rage should he ever be slighted. Yet, like all others, an ever-looming danger had cast its shadow upon the realms of Chaos.

And the first time since Valkia became his bride... he smiled. And laughed.

His laughter rang the halls of his fortress, much to the shock of his minions and underlings. They had never heard their master feel joy for a long time. It was truly an unforeseen event, and it meant something important would happen.

Khorne stood up from his throne and descended the mountain of skulls to the largest blood pool. There, he waited for the answer to come to him. Whatever it was, it will be worthy of his time.


Teclis had been in his library for who knows how long. With the Twin-Tailed Comet soaring visibly among the stars, there were omens of forthcoming events that would transpire in the near future. News of Chaos rampaging their way down south had been spreading, and the High Loremaster himself searched through the books of the library. He had kept himself shut within to put all of his focus in searching for answers. His brother, Tyrion, had grown worried for his health and tried to make frequent visits for him. However, Teclis had occasionally sent messages from time to time to assuage his brother's fears. For now, though, he had taken it upon himself to seek answers.

Answers he would soon discover.

*sigh* "If only there was a miracle placed in my hands, I would give all my possessions to charity." Teclis muttered to himself, laughing under his breath at his own deprecation.

As Teclis scoured through the library, one peculiar book had caught his eye. In all of his years that he had spent in that quiet little sanctuary, he had never noticed this book.

"Curious." Teclis muttered, narrowing his eye at the book. "Why am I seeing this book of all times?"

He soon picked it up and looked at the book before him. From its appearance, it had looked worn out. Over several millennia, he presumed. The cover was barely in proper condition for some many years, and the pages within had grown yellow; its edges slightly teared up. Yet what was interesting was the symbol at the centre. It was a marking of sorts that was completely unknown to any of the Loremaster's knowledge. But there was power within. Of that, he was certain.

Teclis' discovery was renewed with great interest. Seeking the knowledge within, he flipped through the pages and behold the stories. Inside were records of a lost and forgotten civilization. There were murals of ages past, but the texts were rather foreign and dead, but with a bit of concentration and magic, the Loremaster was able to translate the texts. What he discovered was far more a blessing. A race far ancient than even the Old World this once great race stood as the protectorate of the lesser realms. These people - the Argenta - were mighty and hardy whose culture revelled in war, not unlike the savages who worship Chaos. But their similarities only ended there. Beyond it, the Argenta stood guard for those under their protection. Their technology far greater than even the most skilled of dwarfs - with behemoths that could even stand toe to toe with their world's Titans - and were attuned to god-like beings only known as the Maykrs.

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