Lost (Beck)

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(Another for Beck, cos I love him 😍, so here is more love for Ingo Beck enjoy)

Darkness, a savage land I am forever doomed to wander through, lost. I hear screaming, guttural moans from those dreaded dead men, I know what I have done to be here in this hell and I have come to terms with it. Time here is warped, ticking along slow yet fast all at the same time, I find a place that could be considered shelter for a while, a few hours sleep couldn't hurt. When I open my eyes again I feel a great sense of urgency, a strong desire to move on from here, gathering up what little things I had, I made my way through the wastes, finding myself back where it all began. The silhouette of the main building came into view once more, the forest around me echoed with the sounds of strange voices and I subconsciously walked towards the source.

As I wandered back into the grounds of the base I could see movement all over it, men wearing what looked to be Military uniforms searched the rooms and grounds. Judging by their accents, I surmised that these people were Russian with only one of them speaking English more than the rest. He was dressed in a lab coat, similar to those scientists I used to guard here at this facility, the only other thing of note was the leather bound journal in his arms. My eyes grew wide at this realization, he had Vogel's diary, that mad man's book of nasty experiments and diagrams about the Machine, the Cyclotron. As I neared the scientist, my vision suddenly became blurred and I felt a hard pulling sensation upon me and as I turned to my right to ascertain what was happening I saw the purple ball of light appear again, causing me to loose consciousness.

I became aware the moment hands were grabbing my arms, lifting me to a standing position while my eyes adjusted to the light. "Looks like the Germans used this portal as a trash can, this one must have been thrown in there as a test" The scientist spoke, "Guess were gonna have to do their job properly then" A gun was then pointed at me, I stared right through him unfazed by my subsequent fate, I was ready to die...

I heard the sound of the gun going off as the world around me went black and a short sharp pain cut through the right side of my head.

Beck Point of View

The Helicopter descended fast as we jumped out into the grounds of Project Endstation, Raptor one circled back towards home base and the group I was with made haste towards the main buildings. The place was a shit hole really, graffiti all over the walls and trash littered the ground. I had a bad feeling the moment I stepped foot into this place, the others were all on high alert also, something about this place screamed death. Requiem hired me as well as the others to try and put a stop to what was happening, Russian group Omega had come here a month earlier and it is the understanding that what they unearthed here is the source of the anomalies around the world, portals to another world, a world full of dead men. I was interrupted from my inner thoughts by a yell, Adler had found the entrance to the main part of the facility.

Strangely, the doors opened on their own, weapons hot, we carefully descended the stairs, blood marked most of the surfaces around us, a foul smell lingered on the semi stale air and I noticed Park cover her face. We managed to find our way to the center room, Sims moved off to restore powers the rest of us kept alert for any kind of trouble. From the various corpses that littered the grounds, I had a feeling that the Dead men weren't far away. I heard a gasp from beside me, I turned around to see Portnova looking at another body, moving to investigate I noticed something about this one that was different from the rest. It was at that moment power was restored causing a few of us to jump in surprise, once I had recovered my nerves I looked back at the body, the light giving me the ability to see it clearer, I was shocked to see that there was no signs of decomposition or anything to suggest that this person had been exposed to what ever it was the others had. Just as I was about to move it into a better spot, it started to breathe, I jumped back with a shout as it then sat upright with a grunt of pain, eyes wide with fear, pushing my back to the wall behind me I locked eyes with the bloodstained person in front of me and waited for the worst.

Kaia POV

I lay there in the dark, the sound of voices getting closer as pain washes over me and the sensation of touch returns to my body. I dont move, mostly because I can't at this stage, I hear the voices on the room with me now and it's only a matter of time before they notice me. I am truly frightened now, a gasp of shock above me causes me to tense up, that was when I heard his voice, softly whisper a curse and my lungs burned for air yet I could not breathe. Lights then blinded me causing a surge of strength within me, I bolted upright, gasping for air and squinting at the brightness of the room. The man yelped in surprise falling backwards, scrambling towards the wall behind him as our eyes met and fear overtook me by force. I threw my hands up into the space in front of me, in a sign of utter surrender, I think it caught all of them off guard as I tried to speak, it came out as a raspy and strained

"Please, dont hurt me"

In an instant the man in front of me calmed, I kept repeating my statement hoping that the other people wouldn't shoot me. He put down his gun, coming closer to me, my arms were shaking as he gently grabbed my hands and smiled at me. "I'm not going to hurt you, I won't let anyone hurt you" he told me, for some reason I knew he was truthful, he pulled me closer and I let him do so. "I think she has seen some shitty stuff guys" A gruff looking man with a beard spoke up, earning nods from everyone else. "She could also have vital information about Omega and their plans" A man with a scared face pipes up moving towards me, only to be stopped by a woman with striking red hair. "Now is not the time for that, can you not see that the poor woman is in shock" She said in a Russian accent, I moved closer to the man next to me and he wrapped him arms around me protectively. "She couldn't give you that information now even if she wanted to Adler, let me look after her, what ever she knows I can get her to tell me" He said to the scared man, Adler, it wasnt satisfactory for him. "We don't have time to coddle her, besides, since when did we care about the feelings of a Nazi" Adler replied looking straight at me when he said it, "Hand her over Beck, dont make this hard on yourself" I felt his arms tighten just as the lady with dark colored hair punched Adler right in the face, he fell on his back side in shock. "Have some fucking sensitivity Adler, Nazi or not, she is a woman who can barely walk let alone talk" She shouted as I indeed tried to walk out of the facility on shaky legs, Beck helped me and then decided to carry me instead. The shouting continued as Beck made his way up the staircase into the cold of the night, the snow was thick on the ground and yet I did not feel its chill, at least I thought I didn't, Beck wrapped a thick blanket around us both, the Russian lady from before giving us a wave as she moved back inside. "I'm sorry that happened" he told me as I cuddled into his warm embrace. "You speak German?" I asked and Beck smiled. "Ja, I am German my dear born and bred, feel free to rest, I will protect you and we can speak more German in the morning if you would like" he told me as I nodded, suddenly feeling very tired, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and rested my head on his shoulder, thinking of how glad I was to be found by Beck, I am no longer lost anymore. 

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