Want to be a Mystical Judge?

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Hey Mystical Cuties!

One crucial part of mystical is the reviews given by our excellent judges!

Do you want to make a difference and help writers?

Can you write fabulous reviews that will help our amazing writers without hurting their beautiful feelings?

Can you help writers to improve their work without judgement?

Can you give constructive feedback
instead of useless criticism?

Are you able to complete reviews on a deadline?

If you answer yes to every single question then I think you are perfect to join us as a judge, so if you would like to join, here's how...

[[Very Important!!]]
If you want to be a judge, you MUST read the previous chapter to see all the new judging rules.

We take our books entries very seriously and we expect nothing less from you, think as if those books were your own, your own hard work, expectations and hopes, you would probably want to have someone to not only judge it but you would probably want honesty, awesome feedback and support, so that's what all of this is about...the best for our writers. You will have to judge the books, and also write reviews.

So if you think you can thrive on such important task and help someone to become even more amazing and make a difference along the way with us, this is definitely for you!!

Just fill the form, and we will be in touch shorthy.

Judges form:


➡️Preferred genres to judge

➡️Genres you'd definitely not want to judge

➡️Have you been a judge before? On the Mystical or somewhere else?

➡️Have you read the judges rules in the previous chapter?

➡️Are you comfortable in judging LGBT+

We will be looking forward to hearing from you 🖤

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