Parts XXXI, XXXII...

Start from the beginning

"Well, that was a bit unnerving…" Amy notes…As I ponder our next move…

Being the leader of our merry band in this crisis is a grave responsibility, so I am required to ponder…

"She's been monitoring us all the time…Well, at least some of the time…" Leonard eyes the tiny camera/microphone he'd pulled from the top of the framed copy of "Girl with The Pearl Earring"…

"I was fairly certain she would be…" Amy nods… "Which is why we were so careful…I'm sorry we couldn't share more with you earlier, Leonard, but you see now how clever my sister can be…"

"Crazy is the word…" Penny sighs…

"Anyway…It's over…" Leonard waves a hand… "Charlotte can rant and rave all she wants but apart from making an embarrassing scene at the party…And Lord knows we're past masters at enduring embarrassing scenes…There's nothing she can do to you now…"

"I wouldn't put anything past Charlotte…" Amy, cautiously… "She never gives up…And after enduring thirty-five operations for her fibromas, hanging on to make another attempt here is child's play…"

"Then lets cut to the chase and go haul her ass to the next plane back to gay Parie…" Penny suggests…Rising carefully…

"Make the wish…" she grins at Amy, waving her wand… "And the Blue Fairy will vaporize the Wicked Witch of the East…"

"She had a house dropped on her in the film and the stage play, 'Wicked'…" I note… "And the other sister was liquidated in the film and book, though she escapes death in the stage play…"

"I could bribe a stewardess to drop her off the plane without a parachute…" Penny grins…

"Hardly possible at 35000 feet…" Amy shakes head… "And I wouldn't want Charlotte flattened…Much…" grin…

"Lets get Bernadette and drag the bitch off…" Penny, urging…

"Guys…" Leonard, waving hands… "You're coming to assault her is probably just what she wants…She said she has tape of our breaking her door in…This would just give her more evidence against us…And I don't know about Sheldon…" he eyes me… "But I don't wanna be left alone with her while you guys go to the local jail…"

"Leonard's correct…" I nod… "One look of Charlotte's winsome glance while you bodily drag her down the hallway and out of the hotel and the police would surely be on her side…If half the force here isn't already sleeping with her…"

"Ok…What then…Do we exercise her?..." Penny, smiling…

"Exorcise is the word…" I frown… "And while it's not a bad idea I don't think it applies here…"

"Besides, it would affect me as well…" Amy, impish smile…Wave of witch's robes…

"I was right…" I eye her… "You are enjoying this…"

"Just providing a dose of levity to lighten the grim crisis situation…And maybe just a little…I've never done so well against Charlotte before…" she smiles… "All thanks to you, my truest one…And our friends…" nod to Stuart, Penny, and Leonard…

"And Howard…" Penny notes… Sighing… "Was he hurt, you think?..."

"He seemed fairly intact…" I consider the memory… "I think Charlotte employed psychology primarily…She seems to have told him about Raj, judging from the swordplay they engaged in…"

"Wish I'd seen that…" Leonard, grin… "Bet they were more spastic than me doing 'Dancing with the Stars' to the video…"

"Howard was very brave, Leonard…" Amy frowns… "He could have accepted whatever Charlotte offered…Please don't make fun of him…"

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