No... What upset him was how abruptly the battle came to a stop. He had wanted to experience a real fight against a proper opponent, and for his one chance to give it a bit more than usual to leave him without warning...

Rex: ''No, no, no... Thoughts like these are why I am still here...''

Something that went unsaid in the past, is that part of the reason he came to this world to begin with was to tame his more emotional side...

He had already experience once just how overpowering his instincts can become if left unchecked. And given that he had no desire to succumb to his baser thoughts, he thought it was high time he did something about it.

And the world of monster girl quest was perfect for that. With temptation around every corner and the power of the setting relatively low, he would be able to test and temper his own control as he advanced through the world's story.

After all... A dragon that can't keep himself in control is no different than a lizard. And a human who can't do that same is no different than a child...

Although his life is rather slow right now, he did not mind it one bit.

He would much rather enjoy a nice adventure in another world than spent his time power-leveling to godhood. Not like it really mattered since he could do that anytime so there was no rush at all.

He could sit back and enjoy his little adventure in this weird and perverted world without a single care in the world...

Alice: ''... Why are you smiling at nothing?''

Rex: ''Hmm? Ahh... Sorry, got lost in thought for a moment''


The next day....

Alice: ''Hmm, hmm.... 'Onigiri', 'Soba'... I can't wait ♪''

After packing their stuff, the two adventurers headed out on the road once again. As per Alice's request their next destination was to be the village hidden in the mountains... [Yamatai].

Following the map's directions, the two arrived at the base of a mountain, a mountain that they needed to pass in order to reach the village.

Although they had no mountain gear, they ascended up without much issue... At least until they came across snow...

Rex: ''The hell? Just how fucked is this world's ecosystem?...''

In his mind, the dragon emperor continued to question how was snow able to settle on a relatively small mountain when the base of said mountain was completely full of greenery... It just didn't make sense...

Alice: ''Hmm.... Snow....''

To his side the monster lord was quickly looking all around her, and as she did her tail coiled and excitedly ran all over the place.

Alice: ''Hmm. Snow, eh? Snow, huh? Snow...''

Rex: ''.... Is this your first-time seeing snow?''

Alice: ''Yes... But I am not some child that would get excited over it''

Rex: ''................''

Alice: ''...............''

Rex: ''... Go on, you can play in it''

Alice: ''............. ♪''

The monster lord dropped to the ground with a happy expression, she then used her tail to propel herself through the snow like a rocket. In Just a few seconds she completely disappeared from view into the blanket of white covering the mountain...

The True Dragon EmperorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя