Remus didn't let her finish, he couldn't make sense of any of it! He stormed out of her office and ran to his dorm, trying to process what this meant. Once safe inside his bed with the curtains closed, anger and panic pulsed through him. His heart was beating out of his chest and adrenaline was running high. 'Snape knew! What did this mean? How much longer did he have at hogwarts?! Why would SIrius do that?!' Sirius and Remus had been dating for three months, I guess all good things have to come to an end, 'I thought he liked me! Turns out he thought I was a monster just like everyone else. Did he not know I could have killed someone?! I could have been shipped off to azkaban or worse! Snape could be dead, because of me! This is all Sirius' fault...'

"Remus..." James' nervous words shattered the silence that, thanks to Remus' thoughts, hadn't really been silent at all. "Remus, I know you're in there."

Lazily, Remus cracked open his curtains, before immediately flopping back down onto his bed. "Come to tell me how Sirius is really a saint in this situation?" malice dripped from Remus' words as he spoke. He wasn't annoyed at James... he was annoyed at  everyone.

"No actually... Sirius was a dick. I'm here to make sure you're ok. I tried to visit you, I really did. Look, do you need anything or..."

"It's fine James. I'm fine." That was a blatant lie but hearing James side with him did honestly make him feel a little better. He had really been expecting James to defend Sirius, they were best friends after all.

"Ok well... I'll just be over there." gently James shut Remus' curtains and went back to whatever he was doing; probably homework. James' kind words did little to calm Remus, he was still seething with anger, only now it was directed at one person: Sirius fucking Black.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Fortunately, in his eyes anyway, Remus had managed to avoid Sirius last night. Sirius had returned to the dorm, but only very late, leaving very little opportunity for conversation. Remus was also rather glad to note that both Peter and James ignored Sirius all morning, only shooting him angry glances every once in a while. Remus had not so much as looked at him.

How long he'd be able to keep ignoring Sirius was debatable, but Remus hoped he could at least get through the day's lessons so he could confront Sirius in private. Keeping it up through breakfast, proved to be hard enough.

"Hey Remus" Lily gave him a shy smile as he sat down at the gryffindor table. Avoiding her inevitable questions, Remus reached for some toast.

"Hi." He replied bluntly.

"How are you feeling after..." Lily trailed off before the end of her sentence but it was obvious what she was going to say.

"Fine." Remus hoped she would get the hint and realise he didn't want to talk. She didn't.

"Earlier, I heard James saying you were his best friend not Sirius. Do you know anything about that?" Remus stayed silent and stared at his plate, 'of course I know' he thought, but he also knew how fast gossip spread, no matter how trustworthy Lily was. This time when Remus remained silent, Lily did get the hint and turned around to Marlene, trying to ignore how curious she felt.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The day was torture, it felt like three eternities had passed before the bell finally signalled the end of lessons. Unfortunately for Remus, the day's woe was far from over and the next obstacle was just around the corner... literally.

He had just come from arithmancy which only he and Lily took, but she had run off with Mary leaving Remus to walk back alone, a grave mistake. Snape managed to corner him in an empty classroom, with a wand pointed directly at him.

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