Chapter 12

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So we need to put a spell on the handcuffs. We had an extra pair for some reason so Tara and I went back to her cabin to do the spell. She had a small table in the center of the room with a cloth on it.

"Ok, so to do this spell we are going to put the handcuffs in the middle of the table.'' She said putting them in the center. "Now we hold hands over the table and say these words, 'Quis potest malum facere ut hic aliqua bestia cæmento,' got it?" I was nervous to do the spell but that is what we had to do, I didn't see another way.

"I think so," I said, trying not to let my voice shake. I haven't done magic sense with Asher, I don't know much but Tara has been teaching me some things when we have free time which is very rare to have these days. Tara held out her hands crossing them over the table, I reached out and took her hands in mine. "Ok close your eyes and repeat after me, 'Quis potest malum'

"'Quis potest malum"

"facere ut hic"

"facere ut hic"

"aliqua bestia"

"aliqua bestia"



I opened my eyes only to see the handcuffs glowing red and then they were back to normal only this time they had small symbols on them. "Wow!" I said taking in a breath, it was the only thing it could say.

"Yep," Tara gave a little laugh, picked up the handcuffs and we headed back to the house.

When we got back to the house the boys were all sitting in the basement with Parker who was still in the salt circle.

"Hey, we're back" I announced as we went down the stairs.

"Where did you guys go?" Parker asked as we came into view. For the time that I have spent with Parker he doesn't seem that bad and before you say it I do not trust him but he is really good at acting like the good guy.

"To get these" Tara held up the handcuffs.

"Wait, you guys still don't trust me even though I told you that I would help you find the cure?" Parker said as he stood up, looking a little hurt.

"Parker, how many people have you killed, including Jessie? Tara asked.

"Don't you talk about her, you know that was an accident!" Parker was now at the very edge of the salt circle pointing at Tara. I looked around the room Tyler and my dad looked shocked that Tara mentioned Jessie.

"Who is Jessie?" I asked.

"Jessie.." Tara said looking at Parker and emphasizing on 'Jessie' "was Parker's twin sister, He killed her on their 16th birthday.." Tara trailed off.

"He claims it was an accident but both Tara and I were there and it definitely didn't look like an accident to me." Tyler finished Tara's thought.

"Ok this is a very touching and sad story but are we going to do this or not," Asher asked standing up from where he was sitting against the wall.

"The kids right, okay Parker, I am going to come into the salt circle and put these handcuffs on" Tara handed the handcuffs to Tyler "if you resist you stay in the circle forever got it?" Tyler stepped into the circle and put the handcuffs on and Parker was fine.

"See, everything is fine. I have your magic cuffs on, now can you let me out and we can get this show on the road," Parker said.

Tyler broke the salt circle to make a way for Parker to get out " So where is this cure?" my dad asked as Parker crossed the line of the circle. 

"Do you guys have a map?" Parker ask

"Come with us"

We all went upstairs, including Parker. 

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