You: Then you're going to be a hero. No excuses.

Hitoshi Shinsou: *sighs with a small smile* Thanks, Y/n

You: Hm

Hitoshi Shinsou: Hey, I gotta go, we'll talk later, alright?

You: Sure, take care

Hitoshi Shinsou: You too, bye.


As you entered the classroom, Todoroki looked at you and slowly nodded, to which you responded the same way.

The situation was still weird, and you weren't sure what was between the two of you, but you were glad he didn't pressure you with any questions about what you remembered.

"Here are the lists with the offers you got for internships." Aizawa announced after he entered the classroom. You noticed most of his bandages from the USJ incident were gone, for which your were glad. "Even if you didn't get any, you will still participate, so don't worry. Today you will also be picking hero names, but Midnight is the one to handle that."

Most of you were handed papers with the names of the heroes who wanted to intern with you.

You looked down at yours, reading every single name that was written. Most of them were heroes you had barely heard of, except a very familiar one.


You narrowed your eyes and read the name a few more times, to make sure you weren't mistaken. It really was him.

He wanted you as an intern. But why would he?

While you did have a quirk that wasn't very common, you didn't possess any special abilities or anything like that.

You looked down at the paper again. Even though you found Endeavour quite arrogant, he was the number 2 hero, and he offered you to intern with him. You couldn't miss the opportunity.

"Hello there! Ready to pick some names?" you raised your head as Midnight entered the classroom while Aizawa went to sleep in a corner.

Putting the internship paper down, you took the board Midnight handed you, on which you were supposed to write your hero name.

It was harder than you thought it would be. It was the name everyone would know you as. It was supposed to be creative, not stupid, while giving a hint to what your ability was.

You softly hit yourself in the head with the board, trying to think.

A couple of minutes later, Midnight asked all of you to come to the front and present what you had come up with.

Everyone had creative names, matching their quirks and personalities. There was "red riot", "froppy", and your personal favourite, "king explosion murder" -which almost made you choke from laughter- but was unfortunately declined by Midnight.

You were then asked to step forward. You hesitated at first, looking at the name you had come up with. It was the only thing that came to mind when you thought about your quirk. It was short, straight to the point.

As you reached the front of the classroom, you turned your board and showed the name you had come up with.


There was a moment of silence. You were about to start explaining why you had chosen it, when Midnight made an understanding sound.

"Oooooh, because you look like a flash when you teleport! Cool!"

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