His kitten is in danger

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"I love you Arnavji, I love you the most. But I am scared, I am scared to love you again. It took me a long time to get over my past and accept the present. I don't want to get attached to you." She replied back to his heart. Their telepathic conversation broke when a sudden thunderstorm jerk Khushi and she landed into her husband's arms.

He held her by waist and their eyes locked momentarily, igniting a passion between them. The wind blew and a love started erupting their soul. She raised her hand and brushed his cheeks softly. She always wants to be with him, forever. She wants to drown into his love, but he is not ready to cross the limit thinking there is just an infatuation from her side. There is only one inch distance between their lips. Her parted lips is the sign of her submission. Their wet bodies are adding fuel to it and her soft breaths are fanning against him urging him to break this wall.

He knows there is nothing wrong in getting intimate. Yes, they are married but that doesn't give him the right to take advantage of her innocence, without her will. She is too naive and this is not the right time to get physical. Especially when she has no feelings for me. She has already told me she doesn't love me. This is the truth of their relationship. He kept her hostage because he wants to protect her from his Di and from NK. Once he handles them, he will send her back to her family and then she will forget me.

"Khushi listen," Softly, he touches her face and initiates a meaningful conversation by bringing her toward the chair "Whatever happens between us is entirely my mistake. I shouldn't.." She put her finger on his lips.

"Don't be Arnavji. You did because I wanted you to.."

"To?" He waited for her to complete.

"I don't know what it is. But I think I am getting attracted to you." She said ignoring eye contact. She blush hard. To express it into words is difficult for her. But he failed to realize what is in her heart for him. Her unclear answer arches him and he thinks she just feels attraction for him. There is no love in her heart.

"It's okay." He replies weakly. There is a disappointment on his face.


She sneezed and it dreaded him like anything.

"WHAT THE! DAMMIT. YOU WILL FALL ILL. GO AND CHANGE RIGHT NOW" He commanded in a bossy tone making her frown deeper.

"You go first," Khushi said.

"You" He retorted





"Ok fine. Both will go together." Khushi suggested by which his mouth dropped open. A very bad idea though. Today after 2 months of marriage, he dared to cross the line set by her, but he won't repeat it again.

But his instant denial angered her. Then a battle between the duo started. Both cannot see the respective one in trouble as they are unconditionally in love with each other. After a lot of argument, Arnav came to one conclusion since none was ready to let it go. He divided the room into two parts by creating a barrier through a small piece of fabric. By doing this, no-one needs to go to the washroom for change.

At first, Khushi was hesitant to change in front of him although it was hidden by a barrier. Never in her life she changes in front of a man. This is the first time and she is nervous too. Arnav understood her hesitation and assured her he won't open his eyes until she is done.

Inhibiting her nervousness, She started shredding wet clothes from her body before wiping her wet nude figure with a towel. Her uneven breathing is echoed to him. Her nude shadow is visible to him on the wall to the other side where he is standing. He felt a strange sensation. He wanted to worship her, love her, to claim her, to mark her as his.

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