Chapter 11 - Trust

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Raya's P.O.V

After all that I still end up back here. In the nothingness. I didn't want to leave father......But the Druun.....he was too powerful. There was nothing we could've done.......Namaari.... I was crying desperately on the ground. My tears were falling into the black water below me. All I could see was my crooked reflection.

-"Raya?" I heard Namaari's voice behind me. I turned around. Another illusion. She ran towards me. -"Oh Gods, Dep la!" She exclaimed happily. I'm not falling for this again.

Just when the illusion ran closer I spinned and kicked her right in the face. Knocking her back. -"Aaghr! Raya, what are you doing? It's me." She said. -"Yeah, sure. I've heard that one before!" I told her and tried punching her on the ground. She dodged and got up. -"I'm not gonna let you control me again!" I striked again. She dodged. -"Dep la?" She said. -"No! You don't get to call me that!" I yelled and kicked. She blocked it. -"I won't fall for this again! Fall for you!" Still distracted by the block she didn't see my fist coming and got punched in the face.

-"Ughr! What are you saying?!" She asked backing up. -"I gotta admit you're tougher than the others......or dumber." I ran towards her and high kicked again. She tried blocking it but it was as if she's too weak to do so. The kick got her to the ground. -"She would block that easily. You don't even fight like her!" I said. She got up with obvious pain, bringed her hands up in a fighting position but just as quickly let them down. -"Because I don't want to fight you." She said.

If I have to hit her again I will.....It doesn't make me happy but I have to. I screamed as my fist met her stomach and my knee her face. She fell backwards again. -"Don't make me do this." I told her with a stone face. -"I'm not making you do anything." She replied, holding her stomach as she slowly got up. She looked at me again with her beautiful brown eyes. I'm....not falling! I kicked her legs from underneath her. She fell down with a grunt of pain. -"Why won't you just leave?!" I yelled at her when I saw her getting up again. -"I.....t-told you I will never leave you." She stuttered out, breathing heavily. But she got up eventually. -"No! You're lying! You're not her!" I yelled and punched her again.

She was laying down, too weak now. -"It doesn't matter how many times you'll hit me......I won't let you be all alone." She said. -"Enough!" I yelled at her. I lowered myself to her level and grabbed the collar of her shirt. -"I'm gonna send you back to where you came from!" I told her with my fist in the air. -"I really wish you could Raya....." She replied, not resisting me at all. -"Any last wishes?" I clenched my teeth in anger. She put her hands on my cheeks. -"Only one." She pulled me closer and kissed me. Sweetly, gently.....lovingly.

Tears got into my eyes imidietly, I closed them and they rolled down. I could feel Namaari shifting to a sitting position without breaking the kiss, I did the same. Her hands were still on my cheeks and I also put mine on hers. Then I slowly pulled away, only to lay my forehead at hers. -"Namaari...." I whispered, crying. Only now I noticed how damaged her body was, from earlier, but also from now. She suffered so much, and all because -"I'm so sorry....." I whispered caressed her cheek. -"Hey....It's okay, it's okay.....I'm alright Dep la." She tried calming me down by hugging me. -"Namaari......You....You're here. How?" I asked her. -"I told you.....I'll never leave you." She smiled and put a stray lock of hair behind my ear.

-"Namaari.......this is a land of nightmares." I told her seriously, avoiding eye contact. -"Don't worry. We'll kick their asses back to Druun." She replied. I'm not at all ready for this place again. But now I have Namaari by my side, it'll be easier. I got up and also helped Namaari on her feet.

Some kind of light appeared near us. -"That's one of the nightmares?" Namaari asked. -"I don't know....." I replied. It's hard to know what is real here. Namaari started walking towards it. I cought her hand. -"Wait! What if it's a trap?" I said. -"Don't worry. I'll be fine." She replied. She sounds so sure about that. And so I walked with her. When we came closer we could finally see what it was. The Sisu necklace, shinning blue in the dark. -"What is this doing here?" I asked her. Namaari stretched her hand out to it. -"Are you sure?" I asked her. -"No." She replied. I put my hand in hers. And the other I also stretched out to the necklace.

-"Okay.....together." I said. -"Three..." She started the countdown. -"Two...." I continued. Our hands were coming closer to it, and the other were squeezing tightly. -"One...." She finished and we touched the necklace. I bright light blinded us. The last thing I could feel was Namaari wrapping her body around me to protect me. Then it got all quiet.

Namaari's P.O.V

When I wrapped my body around Raya. I didn't know if it was good for something, but I did anyway. Then the quiet came. That long quiet. Until I heard some ghasps. First I didn't know where they were coming from.....But then I finally opened my eyes and saw all the people around us, kneeling down. -"Raya.....Namaari....." I heard Benja exclaim shocked but happy. Another ghasp came, but it was right next to my ear. Raya.... I pulled away to look her in the eyes. The necklace around our necks kept me from going too far. A chuckle of pure joy escaped her lips. She looked down at the necklace and back at me. -"You still have that?" She smiled. -"You're......not the only dragon nerd here." I replied.

She laughed at how bad that joke was, tears of joy rolling down her face. I couldn't hold myself back. I pulled closer, and she helped me. We kissed lovingly. I don't care about all these people seeing, let them see. In that moment, there was nobody but Raya for me. That first kiss was sudden as I didn't know how else to prove her it was really me. But this one was.....special. She wants to kiss me, and I want to kiss her. We slowly pulled away. Imidietly Sisu started cheering, and was soon joined by others. -"You're okay! I was so scared!" She yelled and ran to us to give us a hug.

In her dragon form she picked us up in the air and spinned. -"Woah! Careful Sisu! Namaari's wounded!" Raya told her. It's really sweet she cares. -"Oh, that's right. Sorry, sorry." She put us down again. -"Nah, it's not that serious." I replied, trying to cover the pain in my body. Just so they would stop worrying. -"I am glad you are back." Zaggar came to us. -"I know after all that I have done, I might be the last person you want to see right now. I just came to say goodbye." He said. -"What do you mean goodbye? Are you leaving?" I asked. He nodded almost unnoticeably. -"I have no choice. I was exiled just before the Druun attacked. That is why I only wanted to free my family."

-"See? He can not be trusted!" A woman from the crowd yelled. I backed away as I didn't know what was happening. -"He does not deserve to be here!" A man joined her. -"He doomed us all! Exile him!" -"This is no leader! This is a traitor! A coward!" -"Leave! Now!" A crowd was made around him, yelling at him. Zaggar looked overwhelmed by that and looked at his feet. He tried calming the people down but they just kept yelling. Pengu looked at him but didn't do anything. This is wrong! He doesn't deserve that! It cannot end like this!

Hey! Don't leave just yet. Last chapter coming up soon! Thank you for staying with me until the end! Love you!

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